Current IBExpert version

View all new features of version 2024.07.11 (bugfix version) here: What's New  

Newsletter 03/2024

Our spring holiday special offer

We are offering 25% discount on the IBExpert Developer Studio Edition, the IBExpert Developer Studio Software Subscription and the IBExpert Developer Studio Day Editions. 

This offer applies to all orders received by Friday, 5th April 2024. Payment must be received by Friday, 12th April 2024, otherwise your order will not be accepted.

Please order online:

Having trouble finding the correct order link? Mail and we'll be glad to send you your purchase link directly.

Please note that our European offices will be closed over the Easter holiday, Friday, 29th March until Monday, 1st April.

Newsletter D 03/2024

Unser Frühlings-Sonderangebot

Wir bieten 25% Rabatt auf die IBExpert Developer Studio Edition, die IBExpert Developer Studio Software Subscription und die IBExpert Developer Studio Day Edition. 

Dieses Angebot gilt für alle Bestellungen, die wir bis Freitag, den 5. April 2024, erhalten. Die Zahlung muss bis spätestens Freitag, den 12. April 2024 bei uns eingehen, sonst wird Ihre Bestellung storniert.

Senden Sie Ihre Bestellung an mit Angabe des Spring Offer Codes: xXxSpringDealibeIBEzZz

Bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere europäischen Büros über die Osterfeiertage von Freitag, 29. März bis Montag, 1. April geschlossen sind.

Firebird 5.0 is released

The Firebird Project has announced the general availability of Firebird 5.0 — the latest major release of the Firebird relational database for Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android platforms.

This release introduces improvements in areas of performance, multithreaded processing (including backup, restore, sweep), SQL queries profiling, with better scalability and numerous enhancements in SQL language.

Please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes. The complete Language Reference is also available.

Binary kits for all supported platforms are immediately available for download

Newsletter 02/2024

Remote Firebird 4/5 Update Workshop 

In successful workshops with our customers, we have perfected the solution to all conversion problems to such an extent that we can also implement your requirements quickly and flexibly via online training.

With our experience, we can support you as a user or developer to implement all the necessary steps for a successful upgrade of your Firebird 2.x-based application so that it can also run with Firebird 4 or 5.

We know how to convert your database and create a powerful Firebird 4/5 server configuration with maximum compatibility with your existing application. 

Prepare your database for Firebird 4/5 compatibility

Each server-based object, for example stored procedures, triggers, UDFs etc., is automatically verified and you will receive useful tips on how to prepare your existing Firebird 2.x metadata for later conversion in the production system.

You will also receive an introduction to a new Firebird setup and learn how to install a secondary, newer parallel Firebird server version on your or your customers' database server while the existing installation is still in production.

Even rolling out an automated update to hundreds or thousands of customer installations is possible without any manual installation using our IBExpert OEM technology.

We know what can happen and our setup offers all your customers an automated upgrade. If everything has worked well, they can start working with the new Firebird database server instance.

However, if something unexpected happens, you will receive a detailed log, but the existing setup will still be available. 

This allows you to decide whether a manual setup is required or whether the automated update process needs to be improved.

Test your application for Firebird 4/5 compatibility

The basic workshop lasts approx. 2 days and includes an analysis of the existing system as well as a backup/restore of all required data on the new Firebird server.

To avoid wasting time waiting for the backup/restore, we usually offer our workshops in a 4x4 hour format.

You will be surprised how quickly we can get your application up and running with the new Firebird 4/5 database as the backend. 

Our setup utilises several available compatibility configuration parameters, so that you can continue to enjoy all the benefits of the new Firebird versions and achieve significantly better performance, especially under high load, in multi-user installations.

Further support

Once the conversion is complete, we can also offer customised support to create an IBExpert OEM-based upgrade module, which you can deliver to all your customers with your next update.

If your customers complain about the speed of your software, we can also train your team to use the IBExpert Benchmark, analyse the results and communicate the often very poor results to your customer, who is responsible for the hardware chosen for the Firebird server.

And finally, almost any software can benefit from a thorough examination regarding poor database design and bad SQL statements. 

We can show you how to locate such issues and help you improve the performance of your software.

For an offer, please contact us with the subject "Remote Firebird 4/5 Update Workshop" with a brief description of your current products and your team: