Sie planen den Umstieg auf Firebird 5?
In unserem 2-tägigen Workshop zeigen wir Ihnen alles, was Sie für ein erfolgreiches Upgrade und den reibungslosen Betrieb brauchen – mit vielen Praxisbeispielen und Tipps aus realen Kundenprojekten.
- Upgrade-Strategien und Parallelbetrieb
- Performance-Tuning und Fehleranalyse
- Logging, Undo/Redo, Replikation
- IBExpert-Tools und Automatisierung
- Workshop-Video im Nachgang inklusive
Ideal für Entwickler und Entscheider, die schon Firebird 2.x, 3.x oder 4.0 einsetzen, weil viele Inhalte auch mit älteren Versionen realisierbar sind.
Detaillierter Workshop Inhalt: Workshop Firebird 5 Update und Know-how
Frühbucherpreis bis 01.07.2025 pro Person: 499 €, danach 699 €
Kaffee, Wasser + Mittagessen inklusive
Anor Hotel & Conference Center Frankfurt Airport
An der Brücke 8-10
64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf
Jetzt Platz sichern und Ihrer Software einen echten Vorsprung verschaffen!
„Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein.“
– Philip Rosenthal
German language version | deutschsprachige Version:
Firebird Software Schnittstellen:
View all new features of version 2024.12.4 here: What's New
We will be raising our software product prices slightly as of the 1st January 2025. You can view them here: 1st Jan 2025: IBExpert products, services & prices.
We are currently transitioning our payment processing partner to PayPro Global. As a result, you may notice some changes to our payment pages, and you will now receive invoices from PayPro Global.
If you order for a company in Europe and have a valid European VAT ID, please send your order request to for an offer. Pro forma invoices can be paid by IBAN bank account transfer.
If you experience any difficulties with ordering, receiving license information, or obtaining invoices, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth transition.
Please note that our offices will be closed over the holiday period: Monday, 23rd December 2024 - Wednesday, 1st January 2025.
We would like to inform you that we are currently transitioning our payment processing partner to PayPro Global. As a result, you may notice some changes to our payment pages, and you will now receive invoices from PayPro Global.
Please refer to our IBExpert products, services & prices page for a full list of our software products.
If you order for a company in Europe and have a valid European VAT ID, please send your order request to for an offer. Pro forma invoices can be paid by IBAN bank account transfer.
If you experience any difficulties with ordering, receiving license information, or obtaining invoices, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth transition.
The new IBExpert Replicator Enterprise is now ready!
Add real-time replication to any Firebird database without any downtime!
Full details and fees here: IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBER