Firebird performance issues

How do you measure the performance of your own server or your clients'? Have you ever tried to compare the database speed of your Firebird server with new server hardware? Is a XEON Machine better than an Opteron? What improvements can you expect from fast SAS hard disks, RAID controllers or Enterprise SSDs?

The IBExpert Benchmark is a simple but effective tool, which gives you a reference benchmark, based on our recommended IFS Servers. Using IBExpert Benchmark you can generate and compare a reproducible speed index for your Firebird Server hardware. On average, our IFS servers with Firebird are 5 to 10 times faster than the server or virtual machines that our customers have previously used. 

Perform the comparison yourself using our free IBExpert benchmark software on your Firebird server:

You can use the IBExpert Benchmark Tool free of charge on any Windows computer. This limited special version allows standard benchmarks to be performed locally and includes Firebird 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 versions, executed in application mode, so you do not need to install Firebird on the server to be tested.

If your server only scores half as well when benchmarked, then your staff will be waiting twice as long when working with the software, not to mention consuming twice the amount of coffee whilst waiting.

In reality, however, we often see values that are even much lower.

If your system vendor is still at a loss, then the time has come to use our IFS hardware for the Firebird server and integrate it into your network with our help as part of the RemoteDBA package.

The productivity and satisfaction of your staff will instantly justify this investment.

The Benchmark Tool tests 10 parallel running threads.

Running the benchmark will not overwrite any programs already in use, nor does it install anything, so you can safely run the benchmark on your server. The IBExpert Benchmark Tool does not use an existing Firebird installation and will only test the drive on which it is installed.

The IBExpert Developer Studio customer version offers a more flexible version of our benchmark, allowing you to change various test options, or even perform a benchmark on a Linux operating system or remote servers.

Further reading: