Firebird and IBExpert White Paper: Firebird external engine and UDRs written in Pascal
An example of UDR functions, triggers and procedures
Fikret Hasovic, January 2022
In Firebird 3, the remodelling of the architecture was completed with the implementation of full SMP support for the Superserver model. The remodelled architecture integrates the core engine for Classic/SuperClassic, Superserver and embedded models in a common binary.
From version 3 onward, Firebird's architecture supports plug-ins. For a number of predefined points in the Firebird code, a developer can now write his own fragment of code for execution when needed.
A plug-in is not necessarily written by a third party: Firebird has a number of intrinsic plug-ins. Even some core parts of Firebird are implemented as plug-ins.
External engine
One of the plug-in types implemented in Firebird 3 is ExternalEngine.
The UDR (User Defined Routines) engine adds a layer on top of the FirebirdExternal interface with these objectives:
- Establish a way to place external modules into server and make them available for usage;
- Create an API so that external modules can register their available routines;
- Make routines instances per-attachment, instead of per-database like the FirebirdExternal does in Superserver mode.
External names of the UDR engine are defined as follows:
'<module name>!<routine name>!<misc info>'
The <module name>
is used to locate the library, <routine name>
is used to locate the routine registered by the given module, and <misc info>
is a user-defined string passed to the routine and can be read by the user. "!<misc info>"
may be omitted.
Modules available to the UDR engine should be stored in a directory listed through the path attribute of the corresponding plugin config tag. By default, UDR modules should be on <fbroot>/plugins/udr
accordingly, to its path attribute in <fbroot>/plugins/udr_engine.conf
The user library should include FirebirdUdr.h
(or FirebirdUdrCpp.h
, or Firebird.pas
) and link with the udr_engine
library. Routines are easily defined and registered using some macros, but nothing prevents you from doing things manually. An example routine library is implemented in examples/plugins, showing you how to write functions, selectable procedures and triggers. Also, it shows you how to interact with the current database through the ISC API.
The UDR routines state (i.e. member variables) are shared between multiple invocations of the same routine until it's unloaded from the metadata cache. But note that it isolates the instances per session, different to the raw interface which shares instances by multiple sessions in Superserver.
By default, UDR routines use the same character set specified by the client. They can modify it by overriding the getCharSet
method. The chosen character set is valid for communication with the ISC library as well as the communications done through the FirebirdExternal API.
Enabling an external routine in the database involves a DDL command to “create” it. Of course, it should already have been created externally and well tested.
Syntax Pattern
{ CREATE [ OR ALTER ] | RECREATE | ALTER } PROCEDURE <name> [ ( <parameter list> ) ] [ RETURNS ( <parameter list> ) ] EXTERNAL NAME '<external name>' ENGINE <engine> { CREATE [ OR ALTER ] | RECREATE | ALTER } FUNCTION <name> [ <parameter list> ] RETURNS <data type> EXTERNAL NAME '<external name>' ENGINE <engine> { CREATE [ OR ALTER ] | RECREATE | ALTER } TRIGGER <name> ... EXTERNAL NAME '<external name>' ENGINE <engine>
Lazarus and FPC
To create a UDR using Lazarus and have your function written in Pascal, you will need to start with the library, in our case:
library PascalUDR; uses Udr_Init, UdrGenRows in 'UdrGenRows.pas', UdrInc in 'UdrInc.pas', TestTrigger in 'TestTrigger.pas'; exports firebird_udr_plugin; begin IsMultiThread := true; end.
is the location where you register your function, trigger and/or stored procedure, and it can look like the following:
unit Udr_Init; interface uses Firebird; function firebird_udr_plugin(status: iStatus; theirUnloadFlagLocal: BooleanPtr; udrPlugin: iUdrPlugin): BooleanPtr; cdecl; implementation uses UdrGenRows, UdrInc, TestTrigger; var myUnloadFlag : Boolean; theirUnloadFlag: BooleanPtr; function firebird_udr_plugin(status: iStatus; theirUnloadFlagLocal: BooleanPtr; udrPlugin: iUdrPlugin): BooleanPtr; cdecl; begin udrPlugin.registerProcedure(status, 'gen_rows', GenRowsFactory.create()); udrPlugin.registerFunction(status, 'pas_inc', IncFactory.create()); udrPlugin.registerTrigger(status, 'test_trigger', TMyTriggerFactory.Create()); theirUnloadFlag := theirUnloadFlagLocal; Result := @myUnloadFlag; end; initialization myUnloadFlag := false; finalization if ((theirUnloadFlag <> nil) and not myUnloadFlag) then theirUnloadFlag^ := true; end.
Note the usage of Firebird.pas
here. You can find that file with your Firebird distribution, usually in the <fbroot>/include/firebird
directory. I needed to delete Classes
from the users list, to be able to use it here.
Unit UdrGenRows
has a Pascal implementation of a stored procedure for generating a number of rows. You can find the same example written in C++ in your Firebird install directory.
The interface section should, in this case, look like:
interface uses Firebird; type GenRowsInMessage = record start: integer; startNull: wordbool; end_: integer; endNull: wordbool; end; GenRowsInMessagePtr = ^GenRowsInMessage; GenRowsOutMessage = record Result: integer; resultNull: wordbool; end; GenRowsOutMessagePtr = ^GenRowsOutMessage; GenRowsResultSet = class(iExternalResultSetImpl) procedure dispose(); override; function fetch(status: iStatus): boolean; override; public inMessage: GenRowsInMessagePtr; outMessage: GenRowsOutMessagePtr; end; GenRowsProcedure = class(iExternalProcedureImpl) procedure dispose(); override; procedure getCharSet(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; Name: pansichar; nameSize: cardinal); override; function Open(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; inMsg: Pointer; outMsg: Pointer): iExternalResultSet; override; end; GenRowsFactory = class(iUdrProcedureFactoryImpl) procedure dispose(); override; procedure setup(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata; inBuilder: iMetadataBuilder; outBuilder: iMetadataBuilder); override; function newItem(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata): iExternalProcedure; override; end;
The GenRowsInMessage
record in this example has 2 parameters, in fact 4, to store the starting value, as well the ending value. When you examine the code here, you will notice interface classes defined in the Firebird.pas
unit mentioned above.
The implementation block is not hard to understand:
implementation procedure GenRowsResultSet.dispose(); begin Destroy; end; function GenRowsResultSet.fetch(status: iStatus): boolean; begin if (outMessage.Result >= inMessage.end_) then Result := False else begin outMessage.Result := outMessage.Result + 1; Result := True; end; end; procedure GenRowsProcedure.dispose(); begin Destroy; end; procedure GenRowsProcedure.getCharSet(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; Name: pansichar; nameSize: cardinal); begin end; function GenRowsProcedure.Open(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; inMsg: Pointer; outMsg: Pointer): iExternalResultSet; var Ret: GenRowsResultSet; begin Ret := GenRowsResultSet.Create(); Ret.inMessage := inMsg; Ret.outMessage := outMsg; Ret.outMessage.resultNull := False; Ret.outMessage.Result := Ret.inMessage.start - 1; Result := Ret; end; procedure GenRowsFactory.dispose(); begin Destroy; end; procedure GenRowsFactory.setup(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata; inBuilder: iMetadataBuilder; outBuilder: iMetadataBuilder); begin end; function GenRowsFactory.newItem(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata): iExternalProcedure; begin Result := GenRowsProcedure.Create; end;
Unit UdrInc
has a Pascal implementation of the function, to return an incremented value, as a simple example.
The interface section is:
interface uses Firebird; type IncInMessage = record val: integer; valNull: wordbool; end; IncInMessagePtr = ^IncInMessage; IncOutMessage = record Result: integer; resultNull: wordbool; end; IncOutMessagePtr = ^IncOutMessage; IncFunction = class(IExternalFunctionImpl) procedure dispose(); override; procedure getCharSet(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; Name: pansichar; nameSize: cardinal); override; procedure Execute(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; inMsg: Pointer; outMsg: Pointer); override; end; IncFactory = class(IUdrFunctionFactoryImpl) procedure dispose(); override; procedure setup(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata; inBuilder: iMetadataBuilder; outBuilder: iMetadataBuilder); override; function newItem(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata): IExternalFunction; override; end;
The IncInMessage
record in this example has 1 member, in fact 2, to store returned data. When you examine the code here, you will notice different interface classes to the ones mentioned above, because we are working on a UDR function, and we must be careful with that.
The implementation block is also not difficult to understand:
implementation procedure IncFunction.dispose(); begin Destroy; end; procedure IncFunction.getCharSet(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; Name: pansichar; nameSize: cardinal); begin end; procedure IncFunction.Execute(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; inMsg: Pointer; outMsg: Pointer); var xInput: IncInMessagePtr; xOutput: IncOutMessagePtr; begin xInput := IncInMessagePtr(inMsg); xOutput := IncOutMessagePtr(outMsg); xOutput^.resultNull := xInput^.valNull; xOutput^.Result := xInput^.val + 1; end; procedure IncFactory.dispose(); begin Destroy; end; procedure IncFactory.setup(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata; inBuilder: iMetadataBuilder; outBuilder: iMetadataBuilder); begin end; function IncFactory.newItem(status: iStatus; context: iExternalContext; metadata: iRoutineMetadata): IExternalFunction; begin Result := IncFunction.Create; end;
The third unit, TestTrigger
contains the implementation of a UDR-based trigger, the interface section is:
interface uses Firebird; type // structure for mapping messages for NEW. * and OLD. * // must match the set of fields in the test table TFieldsMessage = record Id: Integer; IdNull: WordBool; A: Integer; ANull: WordBool; B: Integer; BNull: WordBool; Name: record Length: Word; Value: array [0 .. 399] of AnsiChar; end; NameNull: WordBool; end; PFieldsMessage = ^TFieldsMessage; // Factory for creating an instance of the external trigger TMyTrigger TMyTriggerFactory = class(IUdrTriggerFactoryImpl) // Called when the factory is destroyed procedure dispose(); override; {Executed every time an external trigger is loaded into the metadata cache @param (AStatus Status vector) @param (AContext External trigger execution context) @param (AMetadata External trigger metadata) @param (AFieldsBuilder Build message for table fields) } procedure setup(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AMetadata: IRoutineMetadata; AFieldsBuilder: IMetadataBuilder); override; {Create a new instance of the external trigger TMyTrigger @param (AStatus Status vector) @param (AContext External trigger execution context) @param (AMetadata External trigger metadata) @returns (External Trigger Instance) } function newItem(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AMetadata: IRoutineMetadata): IExternalTrigger; override; end; TMyTrigger = class(IExternalTriggerImpl) // Called when the trigger is destroyed procedure dispose(); override; {This method is called immediately before execute and reports the kernel is our requested character set for exchanging data internally this method. During this call, the context uses the character set, obtained from ExternalEngine :: getCharSet. @param (AStatus Status vector) @param (AContext External trigger execution context) @param (AName Character set name) @param (AName Character set name length) } procedure getCharSet(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AName: PAnsiChar; ANameSize: Cardinal); override; {execution of trigger TMyTrigger @param (AStatus Status vector) @param (AContext External trigger execution context) @param (AAction Action (current event) trigger) @param (AOldMsg Message for old field values: OLD. *) @param (ANewMsg Message for new field values: NEW. *) } procedure execute(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AAction: Cardinal; AOldMsg: Pointer; ANewMsg: Pointer); override; end;
The implementation block is:
implementation { TMyTriggerFactory } procedure TMyTriggerFactory.dispose; begin Destroy; end; function TMyTriggerFactory.newItem(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AMetadata: IRoutineMetadata): IExternalTrigger; begin Result := TMyTrigger.create; end; procedure TMyTriggerFactory.setup(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AMetadata: IRoutineMetadata; AFieldsBuilder: IMetadataBuilder); begin end; { TMyTrigger } procedure TMyTrigger.dispose; begin Destroy; end; procedure TMyTrigger.execute(AStatus: IStatus; AContext: IExternalContext; AAction: Cardinal; AOldMsg, ANewMsg: Pointer); var xOld, xNew: PFieldsMessage; begin xNew := PFieldsMessage(ANewMsg); case AAction of IExternalTrigger.ACTION_INSERT: begin if xNew.BNull and not xNew.ANull then begin xNew.B := xNew.A + 1; xNew.BNull := False; end; end; IExternalTrigger.ACTION_UPDATE: begin if xNew.BNull and not xNew.ANull then begin xNew.B := xNew.A + 1; xNew.BNull := False; end; end; IExternalTrigger.ACTION_DELETE: begin end; end; end;
Examples of using a UDR-based stored procedure, function and trigger
To be able to use the UDR library we just created, we need to register those in our Firebird database:
create procedure gen_rows_pascal ( start_n integer not null, end_n integer not null ) returns ( result integer not null ) external name 'pascaludr!gen_rows' engine udr; create function Inc ( v integer ) returns integer external name 'pascaludr!pas_inc' engine udr; create table test ( id int generated by default as identity, a int, b int, name varchar(100), constraint pk_test primary key(id) ); create or alter trigger tr_test_biu for test active before insert or update position 0 external name 'pascaludr!test_trigger' engine udr;
Note that I have included a create table
statement here, because I have a trigger written as UDR, so I need a sample table. The trigger’s job in this simple example is to set the value of field B as the value of A incremented by one.
When you execute the procedure gen_rows_pascal
, by using IBExpert (or writing the select statement), for example, such as:

You will get results the following results:

The second example, using the inc function, with the parameter 10:

will result in the following:

The third example, a simple trigger on the table, on insert new value in table, and skipping value of field B:

After committing the transaction, you will get following in your table:

How everything works
External names are recognized by specific external engines. External engines are declared in the config files (possibly in the same file as a plugin, like in the config example below):
<external_engine UDR> plugin_module UDR_engine </external_engine> <plugin_module UDR_engine> filename $(this)/udr_engine plugin_config UDR_config </plugin_module> <plugin_config UDR_config> path $(this)/udr </plugin_config>
When Firebird wants to load an external routine (function, procedure or trigger) into its metadata cache, it gets (if not already done for the database*) the external engine through the plugin external engine factory and asks it for the routine. The plugin used is the one referenced by the attribute plugin module of the external engine.
* This is in Superserver. In [Super-]Classic, different attachments to a single database create multiple metadata caches and hence multiple external engine instances.