Specifying WHERE clauses in ibec_ExtractMetadata
ibec_ExtractMetadata allows specification of WHERE clauses for each data table. To specify these clauses you should create variable with a list of WHERE's in the form <table_name>=<where_clause>:
WhereClauses[0] = 'HELP_ITEMS=where item_id > 1000'; WhereClauses[1] = 'GOODS=where id < 500000'; WhereClauses[2] = 'DT_TRANSFER=where transfer_id in (4, 6, 7)';
and indicate the variable name in the WhereVar option of the Options parameter of the function:
execute ibeblock as begin cbb = 'execute ibeblock ( LogLine variant) as begin ibec_progress(LogLine); end'; WhereClauses[0] = 'HELP_ITEMS=where item_id > 1000'; WhereClauses[1] = 'GOODS=where id < 500000'; WhereClauses[2] = 'DT_TRANSFER=where transfer_id in (4, 6, 7)'; DB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctInterBase, 'DBName="LOCALHOST/3060:D:\FB2_DATA\FORMTEST.FDB"; ClientLib=C:\Program Files\Firebird\bin\fbclient.dll; User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; Names=NONE; SqlDialect=3'); try ibec_ExtractMetadata(DB, 'D:\myscript.sql', 'GenerateCreate; IncludePassword; SetGenerators; ExtractDescriptions; UseComment; MaxFileSize=500; DecodeDomains; ExtractBLOBs; TrimStrings; DateFormat=YYYY-MM-DD; Domains=NONE; Tables=NONE; Views=NONE; Procedures=NONE; Triggers=NONE; Generators=NONE; Exceptions=NONE; UDFs=NONE; Roles=NONE; DataTables=HELP_ITEMS,GOODS,DT_TRANSFER; WhereVar=WhereClauses', cbb); finally: ibec_CloseConnection(DB); end; end;
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