Importing data from a CSV file
The following example creates a simple comma-separated values (CSV) file and imports its data into a database:
execute ibeblock returns (outstr varchar(100)) as begin
First, let's create a simple CSV-file with some data:
FS = ibec_fs_OpenFile('D:\MyData.csv', __fmCreate); if (not FS is null) then begin s = '1:John:Doe:M'; ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, s); s = '2:Bill:Gates:M'; ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, s); s = '3:Sharon:Stone:F'; ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, s); s = '4:Stephen:King:M'; ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, s); ibec_fs_CloseFile(FS); end
If table IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE exists we'll drop it:
if (exists(select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = 'IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE')) then begin s = 'DROP TABLE IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE'; execute statement s; commit; end
Let's create a new table that will store the imported data:
s = 'CREATE TABLE IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE ( ID integer, FIRST_NAME varchar(50), LAST_NAME varchar(50), SEX varchar(1))'; execute statement s; commit; i = 0; (-- Just a counter of inserted records) FS = ibec_fs_OpenFile('D:\MyData.csv', __fmOpenRead); if (not FS is null) then begin while (not ibec_fs_Eof(FS)) do begin s = ibec_fs_Readln(FS); ValCount = ibec_ParseCSVLine(Vals, s, ´´, ':', __csvEmptyStringAsNull); INSERT INTO IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE (ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SEX) VALUES :Vals; commit; i = i + 1; end ibec_fs_CloseFile(FS); end outstr = i || ' records inserted into IBE$$TEST_PEOPLE'; suspend; end
See also:
Create multiple CSV files from a script
Import CSV Files
INSERTEX (CSV file import)
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