Performs analysis of a PSQL object.
ibec_psql_Analyze(PSQLObject : variant; Connection : variant; Options : string) : string;
PSQLObject | PSQL object created with ibec_psql_Parse function. |
Connection | Active connection object. |
Options | Analysis options. Possible options are: |
Select (or just S) | Process SELECT/WITH statements. |
Insert | I | Process INSERT/MERGE statements. |
Update | U | Process UPDATE/MERGE statements. |
Delete | D | Process DELETE statements. |
Plan | P | Include plan into the result report and analyze plan for NATURAL scans. |
Type | T | Analyze datatype compatibility issues. |
Warning | W | Include compiler warnings into the result report. |
If an empty string is passed as an option string all possible options will be applied.
The function returns a report in JSON format.
Following example retrieves all procedure DDL's from a database, analyzes them and saves reports in separate files:
execute ibeblock as begin db = ibec_GetDefaultConnection(); -- Directory to save analysis reports sDir = 'D:\Temp\Procs'; ibec_ForceDirectories(sDir); for select rdb$procedure_name from rdb$procedures -- Comment the next line if your server doesn't support packages where rdb$package_name is null order by 1 into :ProcName do begin ProcName = ibec_Trim(ProcName); -- Pass an empty string as an option string to get pure single CREATE statement without SET TERM etc. sPSQL = ibec_GetObjectScript(db, ProcName, __dboProcedure, ''); ObjPSQL = ibec_psql_Parse(sPSQL, 3, __svFB30); try s = ibec_psql_Analyze(ObjPSQL, db, ''); ibec_SaveToFile(sDir || '\' || ProcName || '.sp.json', s, __stfOverwrite); finally ibec_psql_Free(ObjPSQL); end end; end;
Example of output:
{ "SyntaxWarnings": [ { "Message": "Empty BEGIN...END statement", "StartPosition": 516, "Length": 0 }, { "Message": "Value assigned to 'INTVAR1' never used", "StartPosition": 57, "Length": 7 } ], "Statements": [ { "Statement": "for select emp_no,\r\n dense_rank() over (order by salary),\r\n salary / count(salary) over ()\r\n from employee\r\n into :intvar1, :intvar2, :dpVar3\r\n do", "StartPosition": 322, "Length": 182, "Plan": "PLAN SORT (EMPLOYEE NATURAL)", "PlanNatural": true, "TypeWarnings": [ "DENSE_RANK BIGINT -> INTVAR2 INTEGER", "DIVIDE NUMERIC(18,2) -> DPVAR3 INTEGER" ], "Operations": [ { "Action": "SELECT", "AffectedObject": "EMPLOYEE" } ] }, { "Statement": "for select emp_no,\r\n salary / count(salary) over (),\r\n NTH_VALUE(salary, 2) FROM FIRST over (order by salary)\r\n from employee\r\n into :intvar1, :intvar2, :dpVar3\r\n do", "StartPosition": 527, "Length": 204, "Plan": "PLAN SORT (EMPLOYEE NATURAL)", "PlanNatural": true, "TypeWarnings": [ "DIVIDE NUMERIC(18,2) -> INTVAR2 INTEGER", "NTH_VALUE NUMERIC(18,2) -> DPVAR3 INTEGER" ], "Operations": [ { "Action": "SELECT", "AffectedObject": "EMPLOYEE" } ] }, { "Statement": "for select emp_no,\r\n dept_no,\r\n salary / count(salary) over (partition by dept_no ORDER by dept_no nulls first) rank\r\n from employee\r\n order by emp_no\r\n into :intvar1, :intvar2, :partition\r\n do", "StartPosition": 753, "Length": 234, "Plan": "PLAN SORT (SORT (EMPLOYEE NATURAL))", "PlanNatural": true, "TypeWarnings": [ "DEPT_NO CHAR(3) -> INTVAR2 INTEGER", "RANK NUMERIC(18,2) -> PARTITION INTEGER" ], "Operations": [ { "Action": "SELECT", "AffectedObject": "EMPLOYEE" } ] } ] }
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