execute ibeblock( HostName variant, UserName variant, Pwd variant, RemoteDir variant = '\', Files variant = '*', ShowLog boolean = TRUE) as begin ftp = ibec_ftp_OpenSession(''); try ibec_ftp_SetProperty(ftp, 'HostName', HostName); ibec_ftp_SetProperty(ftp, 'UserName', UserName); ibec_ftp_SetProperty(ftp, 'Password', Pwd); --ibec_ftp_SetProperty(ftp, 'PassiveMode', FALSE); --ibec_ftp_SetProperty(ftp, 'TransferMode', 'ASCII'); Res = ibec_ftp_Connect(ftp); if (Res) then begin ibec_ftp_ChangeDir(ftp, RemoteDir); Res = ibec_ftp_List(ftp, Files, FALSE); if (Res) then ibec_ShowMessage(ibec_ftp_GetData(ftp)); end if (ShowLog) then ibec_ShowMessage(ibec_ftp_GetProperty(ftp, 'SESSIONLOG')); finally ibec_ftp_CloseSession(ftp); end; end;
See also:
Functions for working with FTP servers
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