Firebird 2.1 Error Codes

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Firebird 2.1 Error Codes


For those working with older Firebird versions, please refer to Firebird Error Codes 1.5 and Firebird Error Codes 2.0 at

101335544366segmentSegment buffer length shorter than expected.
101335544366segmentSegment buffer length shorter than expected.
100335544338from_no_matchNo match for first value expression.
100335544354no_recordInvalid database key.
100335544367segstr_eofAttempted retrieval of more segments than exist.
100335544374stream_eofAttempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream.
0335741039gfix_opt_SQL_dialect-sql_dialect set database dialect n.
0335544875bad_debug_formatBad debug info format.
-84335544554nonsql_security_relTable/procedure has non-SQL security class defined.
-84335544555nonsql_security_fldColumn has non-SQL security class defined.
-84335544668dsql_procedure_use_errProcedure @1 does not return any values.
-85335544747usrname_too_longThe username entered is too long. Maximum length is 31 bytes.
-85335544748password_too_longThe password specified is too long. Maximum length is 8 bytes.
-85335544749usrname_requiredA username is required for this operation.
-85335544750password_requiredA password is required for this operation.
-85335544751bad_protocolThe network protocol specified is invalid.
-85335544752dup_usrname_foundA duplicate user name was found in the security database.
-85335544753usrname_not_foundThe user name specified was not found in the security database.
-85335544754error_adding_sec_recordAn error occurred while attempting to add the user.
-85335544755error_modifying_sec_recordAn error occurred while attempting to modify the user record.
-85335544756error_deleting_sec_recordAn error occurred while attempting to delete the user record.
-85335544757error_updating_sec_dbAn error occurred while updating the security database.
-103335544571 dsql_constant_errData type for constant unknown.
-104336003075 dsql_transitional_numericPrecision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3.
-104336003077sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupportDatabase SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatype.
-104336003087dsql_invalid_labelLabel @1 @2 in the current scope.
-104336003088dsql_datatypes_not_comparableDatatypes @1 are not comparable in expression @2.
-104335544343invalid_blrInvalid request BLR at offset @1.
-104335544390syntaxerrBLR syntax error: expected @1 at offset @2, encountered @3.
-104335544425ctxinuseContext already in use (BLR error).
-104335544426ctxnotdefContext not defined (BLR error).
-104335544429badparnumBad parameter number.
-104335544456invalid_sdlInvalid slice description language at offset @1.
-104335544570dsql_command_errInvalid command.
-104335544579dsql_internal_errInternal error.
-104335544590dsql_dup_optionOption specified more than once.
-104335544591dsql_tran_errUnknown transaction option.
-104335544592dsql_invalid_arrayInvalid array reference.
-104335544608command_end_errUnexpected end of command.
-104335544612token_errToken unknown.
-104335544634dsql_token_unk_errToken unknown- line @1, column @2.
-104335544709dsql_agg_ref_errInvalid aggregate reference.
-104335544714invalid_array_idInvalid blob id.
-104335544730cse_not_supportedClient/Server Express not supported in this release.
-104335544743token_too_longToken size exceeds limit.
-104335544763invalid_string_constantA string constant is delimited by double quotes.
-104335544764transitional_dateDATE must be changed to TIMESTAMP.
-104335544796sql_dialect_datatype_unsupportClient SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 data type.
-104335544798depend_on_uncommitted_relYou created an indirect dependency on uncommitted metadata. You must roll back the current transaction.
-104335544821dsql_column_pos_errInvalid column position used in the @1 clause.
-104335544822dsql_agg_where_errCannot use an aggregate function in a WHERE clause, use HAVING instead.
-104335544823dsql_agg_group_errCannot use an aggregate function in a GROUP BY clause.
-104335544824dsql_agg_column_errInvalid expression in the @1 (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause).
-104335544825dsql_agg_having_errInvalid expression in the @1 (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause).
-104335544826dsql_agg_nested_errNested aggregate functions are not allowed.
-104335544849malformed_stringMalformed string.
-104335544851command_end_err2Unexpected end of command - line @1, column @2.
-104336397215dsql_max_sort_itemsCannot sort on more than 255 items.
-104336397216dsql_max_group_itemsCannot group on more than 255 items.
-104336397217dsql_conflicting_sort_fieldCannot include the same field (@1.@2) twice in the ORDER BY clause with conflicting sorting options.
-104336397218dsql_derived_table_more_columnsColumn list from derived table @1 has more columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement.
-104336397219dsql_derived_table_less_columnsColumn list from derived table @1 has less columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement.
-104336397220dsql_derived_field_unnamedNo column name specified for column number @1 in derived table @2.
-104336397221dsql_derived_field_dup_nameColumn @1 was specified multiple times for derived table @2.
-104336397222dsql_derived_alias_selectInternal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_expand_select_node.
-104336397223dsql_derived_alias_fieldInternal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_field.
-104336397224dsql_auto_field_bad_posInternal dsql error: column position out of range in pass1_union_auto_cast.
-104336397225dsql_cte_wrong_referenceRecursive CTE member (@1) can refer itself only in FROM clause.
-104336397226dsql_cte_cycleCTE '@1' has cyclic dependencies.
-104336397227dsql_cte_outer_joinRecursive member of CTE can't be member of an outer join.
-104336397228dsql_cte_mult_referencesRecursive member of CTE can't reference itself more than once.
-104336397229dsql_cte_not_a_unionRecursive CTE (@1) must be a UNION.
-104336397230dsql_cte_nonrecurs_after_recursCTE '@1' defined non-recursive member after recursive.
-104336397231dsql_cte_wrong_clauseRecursive member of CTE '@1' has @2 clause.
-104336397232dsql_cte_union_allRecursive members of CTE (@1) must be linked with another members via UNION ALL.
-104336397233dsql_cte_miss_nonrecursiveNon-recursive member is missing in CTE '@1'.
-104336397234dsql_cte_nested_withWITH clause can't be nested.
-104336397235dsql_col_more_than_once_usingColumn @1 appears more than once in USING clause.
-104336397237dsql_cte_not_usedCTE "@1" is not used in query.
-105335544702like_escape_invalidInvalid ESCAPE sequence.
-105335544789extract_input_mismatchSpecified EXTRACT part does not exist in input data type.
-150335544360read_only_relAttempted update of read-only table.
-150335544362read_only_viewCannot update read-only view @1.
-150335544446non_updatableNot updatable.
-150335544546constraint_on_viewCannot define constraints on views.
-151335544359read_only_fieldAttempted update of read-only column.
-155335544658dsql_base_table@1 is not a valid base table of the specified view.
-157335544598specify_field_errMust specify column name for view select expression.
-158335544599num_field_errNumber of columns does not match select list.
-162335544685no_dbkeyDbkey not available for multi-table views.
-170335544512prcmismatInput parameter mismatch for procedure @1.
-170335544619extern_func_errExternal functions cannot have more than 10 parameters.
-170335544850prc_out_param_mismatchOutput parameter mismatch for procedure @1.
-171335544439funmismatFunction @1 could not be matched.
-171335544458invalid_dimensionColumn not array or invalid dimensions (expected @1, encountered @2).
-171335544618return_mode_errReturn mode by value not allowed for this data type.
-171335544873array_max_dimensionsArray data type can use up to @1 dimensions.
-172335544438funnotdefFunction @1 is not defined.
-203335544708dyn_fld_ambiguousAmbiguous column reference.
-204336003085dsql_ambiguous_field_nameAmbiguous field name between @1 and @2.
-204335544463gennotdefGenerator @1 is not defined.
-204335544502stream_not_definedReference to invalid stream number.
-204335544509charset_not_foundCHARACTER SET @1 is not defined.
-204335544511prcnotdefProcedure @1 is not defined.
-204335544515codnotdefStatus code @1 unknown.
-204335544516xcpnotdefException@1 not defined.
-204335544532ref_cnstrnt_notfoundName of Referential Constraint not defined in constraints table.
-204335544551grant_obj_notfoundCould not find table/procedure for GRANT.
-204335544568text_subtypeImplementation of text subtype @1 not located.
-204335544573dsql_datatype_errData type unknown.
-204335544580dsql_relation_errTable unknown.
-204335544581dsql_procedure_errProcedure unknown.
-204335544588collation_not_foundCOLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not defined.
-204335544589collation_not_for_charsetCOLLATION @1 is not valid for specified CHARACTER SET.
-204335544595dsql_trigger_errTrigger unknown.
-204335544620alias_conflict_errAlias @1 conflicts with an alias in the same statement.
-204335544621procedure_conflict_errorAlias @1 conflicts with a procedure in the same statement.
-204335544622relation_conflict_errAlias @1 conflicts with a table in the same statement.
-204335544635dsql_no_relation_aliasThere is no alias or table named @1 at this scope level.
-204335544636indexnameThere is no index @1 for table @2.
-204335544640collation_requires_textInvalid use of CHARACTER SET or COLLATE.
-204335544662dsql_blob_type_unknownBLOB SUB_TYPE @1 is not defined.
-204335544759bad_default_valueCan not define a not null column with NULL as default value.
-204335544760invalid_clauseInvalid clause--- '@1'.
-204335544800too_many_contextsToo many Contexts of Relation/Procedure/Views. Maximum allowed is 255.
-204335544817bad_limit_paramInvalid parameter to FIRST. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.
-204335544818bad_skip_paramInvalid parameter to SKIP. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.
-204335544837bad_substring_offsetInvalid offset parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Only positive integers are allowed.
-204335544853bad_substring_lengthInvalid length parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Negative integers are not allowed.
-204335544854charset_not_installedCHARACTER SET @1 is not installed.
-204335544855collation_not_installedCOLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not installed.
-204335544867subtype_for_internal_useBlob sub_types bigger than 1 (text) are for internal use only.
-205335544396fldnotdefColumn @1 is not defined in table @2.
-205335544552grant_fld_notfoundCould not find column for GRANT.
-205335544883fldnotdef2Column @1 is not defined in procedure @2.
-206335544578dsql_field_errColumn unknown.
-206335544587dsql_blob_errColumn is not a BLOB.
-206335544596dsql_subselect_errSubselect illegal in this context.
-206336397208dsql_line_col_errorAt line @1, column @2.
-206336397209dsql_unknown_posAt unknown line and column.
-206336397210dsql_no_dup_nameColumn@1 cannot be repeated in @2 statement.
-208335544617order_by_errInvalid ORDER BY clause.
-219335544395relnotdefTable @1 is not defined.
-219335544872domnotdefDomain @1 is not defined.
-230335544487walw_errWAL Writer error.
-231335544488logh_smallLog file header of @1 too small.
-232335544489logh_inv_versionInvalid version of log file @1.
-233335544490logh_open_flagLog file @1 not latest in the chain but open flag still set.
-234335544491logh_open_flag2Log file @1 not closed properly; database recovery may be required.
-235335544492logh_diff_dbnameDatabase name in the log file @1 is different.
-236335544493logf_unexpected_eofUnexpected end of log file @1 at offset @2.
-237335544494logr_incompleteIncomplete log record at offset @1 in log file @2.
-238335544495logr_header_smallLog record header too small at offset @1 in log file @2.
-239335544496logb_smallLog block too small at offset @1 in log file @2.
-239335544691cache_too_smallInsufficient memory to allocate page buffer cache.
-239335544693log_too_smallLog size too small.
-239335544694partition_too_smallLog partition size too small.
-243335544500no_walDatabase does not use Write-ahead Log.
-257335544566start_cm_for_walWAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first.
-260335544690cache_redefCache redefined.
-260335544692log_redefLog redefined.
-261335544695partition_not_suppPartitions not supported in series of log file specification.
-261335544696log_length_specTotal length of a partitioned log must be specified.
-281335544637no_stream_planTable @1 is not referenced in plan.
-282335544638stream_twiceTable @1 is referenced more than once in plan; use aliases to distinguish.
-282335544643dsql_self_joinThe table @1 is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiate.
-282335544659duplicate_base_tableTable @1 is referenced twice in view; use an alias to distinguish.
-282335544660view_aliasView @1 has more than one base table; use aliases to distinguish.
-282335544710complex_viewNavigational stream @1 references a view with more than one base table.
-283335544639stream_not_foundTable @1 is referenced in the plan but not the from list.
-284335544642index_unusedIndex @1 cannot be used in the specified plan.
-291335544531primary_key_notnullColumn used in a PRIMARY constraint must be NOT NULL.
-292335544534ref_cnstrnt_updateCannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS).
-293335544535check_cnstrnt_updateCannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS).
-294335544536check_cnstrnt_delCannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS).
-295335544545rel_cnstrnt_updateCannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS).
-296335544547invld_cnstrnt_typeInternal gds software consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE).
-297335544558check_constraintOperation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2.
-313336003099upd_ins_doesnt_match_pkUPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match primary key of table @1.
-313336003100upd_ins_doesnt_match_matchingUPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match MATCHING clause.
-313335544669dsql_count_mismatchCount of column list and variable list do not match.
-314335544565transliteration_failedCannot transliterate character between character sets.
-315336068815dyn_dtype_invalidCannot change data type for column @1. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns.
-383336068814dyn_dependency_existsColumn @1 from table @2 is referenced in @3.
-401335544647invalid_operatorInvalid comparison operator for find operation.
-402335544368segstr_no_opAttempted invalid operation on a BLOB.
-402335544414blobnotsupBLOB and array data types are not supported for @1 operation.
-402335544427datnotsup operation not supported.
-406335544457out_of_boundsSubscript out of bounds.
-407335544435nullsegkeyNull segment of UNIQUE KEY.
-413335544334convert_errorConversion error from string "@1".
-413335544454nofilterFilter not found to convert type @1 to type @2.
-413335544860blob_convert_errorUnsupported conversion to target type BLOB (subtype @1).
-413335544861array_convert_errorUnsupported conversion to target type ARRAY.
-501335544577dsql_cursor_close_errAttempt to reclose a closed cursor.
-502336003090dsql_cursor_redefinedStatement already has a cursor @1 assigned.
-502336003091dsql_cursor_not_foundCursor @1 is not found in the current context.
-502336003092dsql_cursor_existsCursor @1 already exists in the current context.
-502336003093dsql_cursor_rel_ambiguousRelation @1 is ambiguous in cursor @2.
-502336003094dsql_cursor_rel_not_foundRelation @1 is not found in cursor @2.
-502336003095dsql_cursor_not_openCursor is not open.
-502335544574dsql_decl_errInvalid cursor declaration.
-502335544576dsql_cursor_open_errAttempt to reopen an open cursor.
-504336003089dsql_cursor_invalidEmpty cursor name is not allowed.
-504335544572dsql_cursor_errInvalid cursor reference.
-508335544348no_cur_recNo current record for fetch operation.
-510335544575dsql_cursor_update_errCursor @1 is not updatable.
-518335544582dsql_request_errRequest unknown.
-519335544688dsql_open_cursor_requestThe prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursor.
-530335544466foreign_keyViolation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2".
-530335544838foreign_key_target_doesnt_existForeign key reference target does not exist.
-530335544839foreign_key_references_presentForeign key references are present for the record.
-531335544597dsql_crdb_prepare_errCannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statement.
-532335544469trans_invalidTransaction marked invalid by I/O error.
-551335544352no_privNo permission for @1 access to @2 @3.
-551335544790insufficient_svc_privilegesService @1 requires SYSDBA permissions. Reattach to the Service Manager using the SYSDBA account.
-552335544550not_rel_ownerOnly the owner of a table may reassign ownership.
-552335544553grant_noprivUser does not have GRANT privileges for operation.
-552335544707grant_nopriv_on_baseUser does not have GRANT privileges on base table/view for operation.
-553335544529existing_priv_modCannot modify an existing user privilege.
-595335544645stream_crackThe current position is on a crack.
-596335544644stream_bofIllegal operation when at beginning of stream.
-597335544632dsql_file_length_errPreceding file did not specify length, so @1 must include starting page number.
-598335544633dsql_shadow_number_errShadow number must be a positive integer.
-599335544607node_errGen.c: node not supported.
-599335544625node_name_errA node name is not permitted in a secondary, | shadow, cache or log file name.
-600335544680crrp_data_errSort error: corruption in data structure.
-601335544646db_or_file_existsDatabase or file exists.
-604335544593dsql_max_arr_dim_exceededArray declared with too many dimensions.
-604335544594dsql_arr_range_errorIllegal array dimension range.
-605335544682dsql_field_refInappropriate self-reference of column.
-607336003074dsql_dbkey_from_non_tableCannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure.
-607336003086dsql_udf_return_pos_errExternal function should have return position between 1 and @1.
-607336003096dsql_type_not_supp_ext_tabData type @1 is not supported for EXTERNAL TABLES. Relation '@2', field '@3'.
-607335544351no_meta_updateUnsuccessful metadata update.
-607335544549systrig_updateCannot modify or erase a system trigger.
-607335544657dsql_no_blob_arrayArray/BLOB/DATE data types not allowed in arithmetic.
-607335544746reftable_requires_pk"REFERENCES table" without "(column)" requires PRIMARY KEY on referenced table.
-607335544815generator_nameGENERATOR @1.
-607335544816udf_nameUDF @1.
-607335544858must_have_phys_fieldCan't have relation with only computed fields or constraints.
-607336397206dsql_table_not_foundTable @1 does not exist.
-607336397207dsql_view_not_foundView @1 does not exist.
-607336397212dsql_no_array_computedArray and BLOB data types not allowed in computed field.
-607336397214dsql_only_can_subscript_arrayScalar operator used on field @1 which is not an array.
-612336068812dyn_domain_name_existsCannot rename domain @1 to @2. A domain with that name already exists.
-612336068813dyn_field_name_existsCannot rename column @1 to @2. A column with that name already exists in table @3.
-615335544475relation_lockLock on table @1 conflicts with existing lock.
-615335544476record_lockRequested record lock conflicts with existing lock.
-615335544507range_in_useRefresh range number @1 already in use.
-616335544530primary_key_refCannot delete PRIMARY KEY being used in FOREIGN KEY definition.
-616335544539integ_index_delCannot delete index used by an integrity constraint.
-616335544540integ_index_modCannot modify index used by an integrity constraint.
-616335544541check_trig_delCannot delete trigger used by a CHECK constraint.
-616335544543cnstrnt_fld_delCannot delete column being used in an integrity constraint.
-616335544630dependencyThere are @1 dependencies.
-616335544674del_last_fieldLast column in a table cannot be deleted.
-616335544728integ_index_deactivateCannot deactivate index used by an integrity constraint.
-616335544729integ_deactivate_primaryCannot deactivate index used by a PRIMARY/UNIQUE constraint.
-617335544542check_trig_updateCannot update trigger used by a CHECK constraint.
-617335544544cnstrnt_fld_renameCannot rename column being used in an integrity constraint.
-618335544537integ_index_seg_delCannot delete index segment used by an integrity constraint.
-618335544538integ_index_seg_mod@@Cannot update index segment used by an integrity constraint.
-625335544347not_validValidation error for column @1, value "@2".
-625335544879not_valid_for_varValidation error for variable @1, value "@2".
-625335544880not_valid_forValidation error for @1, value "@2".
-637335544664dsql_duplicate_specDuplicate specification of @1- not supported.
-637336397213dsql_implicit_domain_nameImplicit domain name @1 not allowed in user created domain.
-660336003098primary_key_requiredPrimary key required on table @1.
-660335544533foreign_key_notfoundNon-existent PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY specified for FOREIGN KEY.
-660335544628idx_create_errCannot create index @1.
-663335544624idx_seg_errSegment count of 0 defined for index @1.
-663335544631idx_key_errToo many keys defined for index @1.
-663335544672key_field_errToo few key columns found for index @1 (incorrect column name?).
-664335544434keytoobigKey size exceeds implementation restriction for index "@1".
-677335544445ext_err@1 extension error.
-685335544465bad_segstr_typeInvalid BLOB type for operation.
-685335544670blob_idx_errAttempt to index BLOB column in index @1.
-685335544671array_idx_errAttempt to index array column in index @1.
-689335544403badpagtypPage@1 is of wrong type (expected @2, found @3).
-689335544650page_type_errWrong page type.
-690335544679no_segments_errSegments not allowed in expression index @1.
-691335544681rec_size_errNew record size of @1 bytes is too big.
-692335544477max_idxMaximum indexes per table (@1) exceeded.
-693335544663req_max_clones_exceededToo many concurrent executions of the same request.
-694335544684no_field_accessCannot access column @1 in view @2.
-802335544321arith_exceptArithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation.
-802335544836concat_overflowConcatenation overflow. Resulting string cannot exceed 32K in length.
-803335544349no_dupAttempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "@1".
-803335544665unique_key_violationViolation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2".
-804336003097dsql_feature_not_supported_odsFeature not supported on ODS version older than @1.@2.
-804335544380wronumargWrong number of arguments on call.
-804335544583dsql_sqlda_errSQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables.
-804335544584dsql_var_count_errCount of read-write columns does not equal count of values.
-804335544586dsql_function_errFunction unknown.
-804335544713dsql_sqlda_value_errIncorrect values within SQLDA structure.
-804336397205dsql_too_old_odsODS versions before ODS@1 are not supported.
-806335544600col_name_errOnly simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION.
-807335544601where_errNo WHERE clause for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION.
-808335544602table_view_errOnly one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION.
-809335544603distinct_errDISTINCT, GROUP or HAVING not permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION.
-810335544605subquery_errNo subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION.
-811335544652sing_select_errMultiple rows in singleton select.
-816335544651ext_readonly_errCannot insert because the file is readonly or is on a read only medium.
-816335544715extfile_uns_opOperation not supported for EXTERNAL FILE table @1.
-817336003079isc_sql_dialect_conflict_numDB dialect @1 and client dialect @2 conflict with respect to numeric precision @3.
-817336003101upd_ins_with_complex_viewUPDATE OR INSERT without MATCHING could not be used with views based on more than one table.
-817336003102dsql_incompatible_trigger_typeIncompatible trigger type.
-817336003103dsql_db_trigger_type_cant_changeDatabase trigger type can't be changed.
-817335544361read_only_transAttempted update during read-only transaction.
-817335544371segstr_no_writeAttempted write to read-only BLOB.
-817335544444read_onlyOperation not supported.
-817335544765read_only_databaseAttempted update on read-only database.
-817335544766must_be_dialect_2_and_upSQL dialect @1 is not supported in this database.
-817335544793ddl_not_allowed_by_db_sql_dialMetadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect @1.
-820335544356obsolete_metadataMetadata is obsolete.
-820335544379wrong_odsUnsupported on-disk structure for file @1; found @2.@3, support @4.@5.
-820335544437wrodynverWrong DYN version.
-820335544467high_minorMinor version too high found @1 expected @2.
-820335544881need_differenceDifference file name should be set explicitly for database on raw device.
-823335544473invalid_bookmarkInvalid bookmark handle.
-824335544474bad_lock_levelInvalid lock level @1.
-825335544519bad_lock_handleInvalid lock handle.
-826335544585dsql_stmt_handleInvalid statement handle.
-827335544655invalid_directionInvalid direction for find operation.
-827335544718invalid_keyInvalid key for find operation.
-828335544678inval_key_posnInvalid key position.
-829336068816dyn_char_fld_too_smallNew size specified for column @1 must be at least @2 characters.
-829336068817dyn_invalid_dtype_conversionCannot change data type for @1. Conversion from base type @2 to @3 is not supported.
-829336068818dyn_dtype_conv_invalidCannot change data type for column @1 from a character type to a non-character type.
-829336068829max_coll_per_charsetMaximum number of collations per character set exceeded.
-829336068830invalid_coll_attrInvalid collation attributes.
-829336068852dyn_scale_too_bigNew scale specified for column @1 must be at most @2.
-829336068853dyn_precision_too_smallNew precision specified for column @1 must be at least @2.
-829335544616field_ref_errInvalid column reference.
-830335544615field_aggregate_errColumn used with aggregate.
-831335544548primary_key_existsAttempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same table.
-832335544604key_field_count_errFOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY.
-833335544606expression_eval_errExpression evaluation not supported.
-833335544810date_range_exceededValue exceeds the range for valid dates.
-834335544508range_not_foundRefresh range number @1 not found.
-835335544649bad_checksumBad checksum.
-836335544517exceptException @1.
-836335544848except2Exception @1.
-837335544518cache_restartRestart shared cache manager.
-838335544560shutwarnDatabase @1 shutdown in @2 seconds.
-841335544677version_errToo many versions.
-842335544697precision_errPrecision must be from 1 to 18.
-842335544698scale_nogtScale must be between zero and precision.
-842335544699expec_shortShort integer expected.
-842335544700expec_longLong integer expected.
-842335544701expec_ushortUnsigned short integer expected.
-842335544712expec_positivePositive value expected.
-901335740929gfix_db_nameData base file name (@1) already given.
-901336330753gbak_unknown_switchFound unknown switch.
-901336920577gstat_unknown_switchFound unknown switch.
-901336986113fbsvcmgr_bad_amWrong value for access mode.
-901335740930gfix_invalid_swInvalid switch @1.
-901335544322bad_dbkeyInvalid database key.
-901336986114fbsvcmgr_bad_wmWrong value for write mode.
-901336330754gbak_page_size_missingPage size parameter missing.
-901336920578gstat_retryPlease retry, giving a database name.
-901336986115fbsvcmgr_bad_rsWrong value for reserve space.
-901336920579gstat_wrong_odsWrong ODS version, expected @1, encountered @2.
-901336330755gbak_page_size_toobigPage size specified (@1) greater than limit (16384 bytes).
-901335740932gfix_incmp_swIncompatible switch combination.
-901336920580gstat_unexpected_eofUnexpected end of database file.
-901336330756gbak_redir_ouput_missingRedirect location for output is not specified.
-901336986116fbsvcmgr_info_errUnknown tag (@1) in info_svr_db_info block after isc_svc_query().
-901335740933gfix_replay_reqReplay log pathname required.
-901336330757gbak_switches_conflictConflicting switches for backup/restore.
-901336986117fbsvcmgr_query_errUnknown tag (@1) in isc_svc_query() results.
-901335544326bad_dpb_formUnrecognized database parameter block.
-901335740934gfix_pgbuf_reqNumber of page buffers for cache required.
-901336986118fbsvcmgr_switch_unknownUnknown switch "@1".
-901336330758gbak_unknown_deviceDevice type @1 not known.
-901335544327bad_req_handleInvalid request handle.
-901335740935gfix_val_reqNumeric value required.
-901336330759gbak_no_protectionProtection is not there yet.
-901335544328bad_segstr_handleInvalid BLOB handle.
-901335740936gfix_pval_reqPositive Numeric value required.
-901336330760gbak_page_size_not_allowedPage size is allowed only on restore or create.
-901335544329bad_segstr_idInvalid BLOB ID.
-901335740937gfix_trn_reqNumber of transactions per sweep required.
-901336330761gbak_multi_source_destMultiple sources or destinations specified.
-901335544330bad_tpb_contentInvalid parameter in transaction parameter block.
-901336330762gbak_filename_missingRequires both input and output filenames.
-901335544331bad_tpb_formInvalid format for transaction parameter block.
-901336330763gbak_dup_inout_namesInput and output have the same name. Disallowed.
-901335740940gfix_full_req"full" or "reserve" required.
-901335544332bad_trans_handleInvalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start).
-901336330764gbak_inv_page_sizeExpected page size, encountered "@1".
-901335740941gfix_usrname_reqUser name required.
-901336330765gbak_db_specifiedREPLACE specified, but the first file @1 is a database.
-901335740942gfix_pass_reqPassword required.
-901336330766gbak_db_existsDatabase @1 already exists. To replace it, use the -REP switch.
-901335740943gfix_subs_nameSubsystem name.
-901336723983gsec_cant_open_dbUnable to open database.
-901336330767gbak_unk_deviceDevice type not specified.
-901336723984gsec_switches_error Error in switch specifications.
-901335740945gfix_sec_reqNumber of seconds required.
-901335544337excess_transAttempt to start more than @1 transactions.
-901336723985gsec_no_op_specNo operation specified.
-901335740946gfix_nval_reqNumeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required.
-901336723986gsec_no_usr_nameNo user name specified.
-901335740947gfix_type_shutMust specify type of shutdown.
-901335544339infinapInformation type inappropriate for object specified.
-901336723987gsec_err_add Add record error.
-901335544340infonaNo information of this type available for object specified.
-901336723988gsec_err_modifyModify record error.
-901336330772gbak_blob_info_failedGds_$blob_info failed.
-901335740948gfix_retryPlease retry, specifying an option.
-901335544341infunkUnknown information item.
-901336723989gsec_err_find_modFind/modify record error.
-901336330773gbak_unk_blob_itemDo not understand BLOB INFO item @1.
-901335544342integ_failAction cancelled by trigger (@1) to preserve data integrity.
-901336330774gbak_get_seg_failedGds_$get_segment failed.
-901336723990gsec_err_rec_not_foundRecord not found for user: @1.
-901336723991gsec_err_deleteDelete record error.
-901336330775gbak_close_blob_failedGds_$close_blob failed.
-901335740951gfix_retry_dbPlease retry, giving a database name.
-901336330776gbak_open_blob_failedGds_$open_blob failed.
-901336723992gsec_err_find_delFind/delete record error.
-901335544345lock_conflictLock conflict on no wait transaction.
-901336330777gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failedFailed in put_blr_gen_id.
-901336330778gbak_unk_typeData type @1 not understood.
-901336330779gbak_comp_req_failedGds_$compile_request failed.
-901336330780gbak_start_req_failedGds_$start_request failed.
-901336723996gsec_err_find_dispFind/display record error.
-901336330781gbak_rec_failedgds_$receive failed.
-901336920605gstat_open_errCan't open database file @1.
-901336723997gsec_inv_paramInvalid parameter, no switch defined.
-901335544350no_finishProgram attempted to exit without finishing database.
-901336920606gstat_read_errCan't read a database page.
-901336330782gbak_rel_req_failedGds_$release_request failed.
-901336723998gsec_op_specifiedOperation already specified.
-901336920607gstat_sysmemexSystem memory exhausted.
-901336330783gbak_db_info_failedgds_$database_info failed.
-901336723999gsec_pw_specifiedPassword already specified.
-901336724000gsec_uid_specifiedUid already specified.
-901336330784gbak_no_db_descExpected database description record.
-901335544353no_reconTransaction is not in limbo.
-901336724001gsec_gid_specifiedGid already specified.
-901336330785gbak_db_create_failedFailed to create database @1.
-901336724002gsec_proj_specifiedProject already specified.
-901336330786gbak_decomp_len_errorRESTORE: decompression length error.
-901335544355no_segstr_closeBLOB was not closed.
-901336330787gbak_tbl_missingCannot find table @1.
-901336724003gsec_org_specifiedOrganization already specified.
-901336330788gbak_blob_col_missingCannot find column for BLOB.
-901336724004gsec_fname_specifiedFirst name already specified.
-901335544357open_transCannot disconnect database with open transactions (@1 active).
-901336330789gbak_create_blob_failedGds_$create_blob failed.
-901336724005gsec_mname_specifiedMiddle name already specified.
-901335544358port_lenMessage length error (encountered @1, expected @2).
-901336330790gbak_put_seg_failedGds_$put_segment failed.
-901336724006gsec_lname_specifiedLast name already specified.
-901336330791gbak_rec_len_expExpected record length.
-901336724008gsec_inv_switchInvalid switch specified.
-901336330792gbak_inv_rec_lenWrong length record, expected @1 encountered @2.
-901336330793gbak_exp_data_typeExpected data attribute.
-901336724009gsec_amb_switchAmbiguous switch specified.
-901336330794gbak_gen_id_failedFailed in store_blr_gen_id.
-901336724010gsec_no_op_specifiedNo operation specified for parameters.
-901335544363req_no_transNo transaction for request.
-901336330795gbak_unk_rec_typeDo not recognize record type @1.
-901336724011gsec_params_not_allowedNo parameters allowed for this operation.
-901335544364req_syncRequest synchronization error.
-901336724012gsec_incompat_switchIncompatible switches specified.
-901336330796gbak_inv_bkup_verExpected backup version 1..8. Found @.
-901335544365req_wrong_dbRequest referenced an unavailable database.
-901336330797gbak_missing_bkup_descExpected backup description record.
-901336330798gbak_string_truncString truncated.
-901336330799gbak_cant_rest_recordwarning-- record could not be restored.
-901336330800gbak_send_failedGds_$send failed.
-901335544369segstr_no_readAttempted read of a new, open BLOB.
-901336330801gbak_no_tbl_nameNo table name for data.
-901335544370segstr_no_transAttempted action on BLOB outside transaction.
-901336330802gbak_unexp_eofUnexpected end of file on backup file.
-901336330803gbak_db_format_too_oldDatabase format @1 is too old to restore to.
-901335544372segstr_wrong_dbAttempted reference to BLOB in unavailable database.
-901336330804gbak_inv_array_dimArray dimension for column @1 is invalid.
-901336330807gbak_xdr_len_expectedExpected XDR record length.
-901335544376unres_relTable @1 was omitted from the transaction reserving list.
-901335544377uns_extRequest includes a DSRI extension not supported in this implementation.
-901335544378wish_listFeature is not supported.
-901335544383fatal_conflictUnrecoverable conflict with limbo transaction @1.
-901335740991gfix_exceed_maxInternal block exceeds maximum size.
-901335740992gfix_corrupt_poolCorrupt pool.
-901335740993gfix_mem_exhaustedVirtual memory exhausted.
-901336330817gbak_open_bkup_errorCannot open backup file @1.
-901335740994gfix_bad_poolBad pool id.
-901336330818gbak_open_errorCannot open status and error output file @1.
-901335740995gfix_trn_not_validTransaction state @1 not in valid range.
-901335544392bdbinconInternal error.
-901336724044gsec_inv_usernameInvalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed).
-901336724045gsec_inv_pw_lengthWarning- maximum 8 significant bytes of password used.
-901336724046gsec_db_specifiedDatabase already specified.
-901336724047gsec_db_admin_specifiedDatabase administrator name already specified.
-901336724048gsec_db_admin_pw_specifiedDatabase administrator password already specified.
-901336724049gsec_sql_role_specifiedSQL role name already specified.
-901335741012gfix_unexp_eoiUnexpected end of input.
-901335544407dbbnotzerDatabase handle not zero.
-901335544408tranotzerTransaction handle not zero.
-901335741018gfix_recon_failFailed to reconnect to a transaction in database @1.
-901335544418trainlimTransaction in limbo.
-901335544419notinlimTransaction not in limbo.
-901335544420traoutstaTransaction outstanding.
-901335544428badmsgnumUndefined message number.
-901335741036gfix_trn_unknownTransaction description item unknown.
-901335741038gfix_mode_req"read_only" or "read_write" required.
-901335544431blocking_signalBlocking signal has been received.
-901335741042gfix_pzval_reqPositive or zero numeric value required.
-901335544442noargacc_readDatabase system cannot read argument @1.
-901335544443 noargacc_writeDatabase system cannot write argument @1.
-901335544468tra_stateTransaction @1 is @2.
-901335544485bad_stmt_handleInvalid statement handle.
-901336330934gbak_missing_block_facBlocking factor parameter missing.
-901336330935gbak_inv_block_facExpected blocking factor, encountered "@1".
-901336330936gbak_block_fac_specifiedA blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT.
-901336068796dyn_role_does_not_existSQL role @1 does not exist.
-901336330940gbak_missing_usernameUser name parameter missing.
-901336330941gbak_missing_passwordPassword parameter missing.
-901336068797dyn_no_grant_admin_optUser @1 has no grant admin option on SQL role @2.
-901335544510lock_timeoutLock time-out on wait transaction.
-901336068798dyn_user_not_role_memberUser @1 is not a member of SQL role @2.
-901336068799dyn_delete_role_failed@1 is not the owner of SQL role @2.
-901336068800dyn_grant_role_to_user@1 is a SQL role and not a user.
-901336068801dyn_inv_sql_role_nameUser name @1 could not be used for SQL role.
-901336068802dyn_dup_sql_roleSQL role @1 already exists.
-901336068803dyn_kywd_spec_for_roleKeyword @1 can not be used as a SQL role name.
-901336068804dyn_roles_not_supportedSQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required.
-901336330952gbak_missing_skipped_bytesMissing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped.
-901336330953gbak_inv_skipped_bytesExpected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered "@1".
-901336068820dyn_zero_len_idZero length identifiers are not allowed.
-901336330965gbak_err_restore_charsetCharacter set.
-901336330972gbak_read_errorUnexpected I/O error while reading from backup file.
-901336330973gbak_write_errorUnexpected I/O error while writing to backup file.
-901336068840dyn_wrong_gtt_scope@1 cannot reference @2.
-901336330985gbak_db_in_useCould not drop database @1 (database might be in use).
-901336330990gbak_sysmemexSystem memory exhausted.
-901335544559bad_svc_handleInvalid service handle.
-901335544561wrospbverWrong version of service parameter block.
-901335544562bad_spb_formUnrecognized service parameter block.
-901335544563svcnotdefService @1 is not defined.
-901336068856dyn_ods_not_supp_featureFeature '@1' is not supported in ODS @2.@3.
-901336331002gbak_restore_role_failedSQL role.
-901336331005gbak_role_op_missingSQL role parameter missing.
-901336331010gbak_page_buffers_missingPage buffers parameter missing.
-901336331011gbak_page_buffers_wrong_paramExpected page buffers, encountered "@1".
-901336331012gbak_page_buffers_restorePage buffers is allowed only on restore or create.
-901336331014gbak_inv_sizeSize specification either missing or incorrect for file @1.
-901336331015gbak_file_outof_sequenceFile @1 out of sequence.
-901336331016gbak_join_file_missingCan't join-- one of the files missing.
-901336331017gbak_stdin_not_supptdStandard input is not supported when using join operation.
-901336331018gbak_stdout_not_supptdStandard output is not supported when using split operation.
-901336331019gbak_bkup_corruptBackup file @1 might be corrupt.
-901336331020gbak_unk_db_file_specDatabase file specification missing.
-901336331021gbak_hdr_write_failedCan't write a header record to file @1.
-901336331022gbak_disk_space_exFree disk space exhausted.
-901336331023gbak_size_lt_minFile size given (@1) is less than minimum allowed (@2).
-901336331025gbak_svc_name_missingService name parameter missing.
-901336331026gbak_not_ownrCannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database.
-901336331031gbak_mode_req"read_only" or "read_write" required.
-901336331033gbak_just_dataJust data ignore all constraints etc.
-901336331034gbak_data_onlyRestoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints.
-901335544609index_nameINDEX @1.
-901335544610exception_nameEXCEPTION @1.
-901335544611field_nameCOLUMN @1.
-901335544613union_errUnion not supported.
-901335544614dsql_construct_errUnsupported DSQL construct.
-901335544623dsql_domain_errIllegal use of keyword VALUE.
-901335544626table_nameTABLE @1.
-901335544627proc_namePROCEDURE @1.
-901335544641dsql_domain_not_foundSpecified domain or source column @1 does not exist.
-901335544656dsql_var_conflictVariable @1 conflicts with parameter in same procedure.
-901335544666srvr_version_too_oldServer version too old to support all CREATE DATABASE options.
-901335544673no_deleteCannot delete.
-901335544675sort_errSort error.
-901335544703svcnoexeService @1 does not have an associated executable.
-901335544704net_lookup_errFailed to locate host machine.
-901335544705service_unknownUndefined service @1/@2.
-901335544706host_unknownThe specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services.
-901335544711unprepared_stmtAttempt to execute an unprepared dynamic SQL statement.
-901335544716svc_in_useService is currently busy: @1.
-901335544740udf_exceptionA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a user defined function.
-901335544741lost_db_connectionConnection lost to database.
-901335544742no_write_user_privUser cannot write to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES.
-901335544767blob_filter_exceptionA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a blob filter.
-901335544768exception_access_violationAccess violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so.
-901335544769exception_datatype_missalignmentData type misalignment. The attempted to read or write a value that was not stored on a memory boundary.
-901335544770exception_array_bounds_exceededArray bounds exceeded. The code attempted to access an array element that is out of bounds.
-901335544771exception_float_denormal_operandFloat denormal operand. One of the floating-point operands is too small to represent a standard float value.
-901335544772exception_float_divide_by_zeroFloating-point divide by zero. The code attempted to divide a floating-point value by zero.
-901335544773exception_float_inexact_resultFloating-point inexact result. The result of a floating-point operation cannot be represented as a decimal fraction.
-901335544774exception_float_invalid_operandFloating-point invalid operand. An indeterminant error occurred during a floating-point operation.
-901335544775exception_float_overflowFloating-point overflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is greater than the magnitude allowed.
-901335544776exception_float_stack_checkFloating-point stack check. The stack overflowed or underflowed as the result of a floating-point operation.
-901335544777exception_float_underflowFloating-point underflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is less than the magnitude allowed.
-901335544778exception_integer_divide_by_zeroInteger divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero.
-901335544779exception_integer_overflowInteger overflow. The result of an integer operation caused the most significant bit of the result to carry.
-901335544780exception_unknownAn exception occurred that does not have a description. Exception number @1.
-901335544781exception_stack_overflowStack overflow. The resource requirements of the runtime stack have exceeded the memory available to it.
-901335544782exception_sigsegvSegmentation fault. The code attempted to access memory without privileges.
-901335544783exception_sigillIllegal instruction. The code attempted to perform an illegal operation.
-901335544784exception_sigbusBus error. The code caused a system bus error.
-901335544785exception_sigfpeFloating point error. The code caused an arithmetic exception or a floating point exception.
-901335544786ext_file_deleteCannot delete rows from external files.
-901335544787ext_file_modifyCannot update rows in external files.
-901335544788adm_task_deniedUnable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the database.
-901335544794cancelledOperation was cancelled.
-901335544797svcnouserUser name and password are required while attaching to the services manager.
-901335544801datype_notsupData type not supported for arithmetic.
-901335544803dialect_not_changedDatabase dialect not changed.
-901335544804database_create_failedUnable to create database @1.
-901335544805inv_dialect_specifiedDatabase dialect @1 is not a valid dialect.
-901335544806valid_db_dialectsValid database dialects are @1.
-901335544811inv_client_dialect_specifiedPassed client dialect @1 is not a valid dialect.
-901335544812valid_client_dialectsValid client dialects are @1.
-901335544814service_not_supportedServices functionality will be supported in a later version of the product.
-901335544820invalid_savepointUnable to find savepoint with name @1 in transaction context.
-901335544835bad_shutdown_modeTarget shutdown mode is invalid for database "@1".
-901335544840no_updateCannot update.
-901335544843ctx_var_not_foundContext variable @1 is not found in namespace @2.
-901335544844ctx_namespace_invalidInvalid namespace name @1 passed to @2.
-901335544845ctx_too_bigToo many context variables.
-901335544846ctx_bad_argumentInvalid argument passed to @1.
-901335544847identifier_too_longBLR syntax error. Identifier @1... is too long.
-901335544859invalid_time_precisionTime precision exceeds allowed range (0-@1).
-901335544866met_wrong_gtt_scope@1 cannot depend on @2.
-901335544868illegal_prc_typeProcedure @1 is not selectable (it does not contain a SUSPEND statement).
-901335544869invalid_sort_datatypeData type @1 is not supported for sorting operation.
-901335544870collation_nameCOLLATION @1.
-901335544871domain_nameDOMAIN @1.
-901335544874max_db_per_trans_allowedA multi database transaction cannot span more than @1 databases.
-901335544876bad_proc_BLRError while parsing procedure @1's BLR.
-901335544877key_too_bigIndex key too big.
-901336397211dsql_too_many_valuesToo many values (more than @1) in member list to match against.
-901336397236dsql_unsupp_feature_dialectFeature is not supported in dialect @1.
-902335544333bug_checkInternal gds software consistency check (@1).
-902335544335db_corruptDatabase file appears corrupt (@1).
-902335544344io_errorI/O error for file "@2".
-902335544346metadata_corruptCorrupt system table.
-902335544373sys_requestOperating system directive @1 failed.
-902335544384badblkInternal error.
-902335544385invpoolclInternal error.
-902335544387relbadblkInternal error.
-902335544388blktoobigBlock size exceeds implementation restriction.
-902335544394badodsverIncompatible version of on-disk structure.
-902335544397dirtypageInternal error.
-902335544398waifortraInternal error.
-902335544399doublelocInternal error.
-902335544400nodnotfndInternal error.
-902335544401dupnodfndInternal error.
-902335544402locnotmarInternal error.
-902335544404corruptDatabase corrupted.
-902335544405badpageChecksum error on database page @1.
-902335544406badindexIndex is broken.
-902335544409trareqmisTransaction--request mismatch (synchronization error).
-902335544410badhndcntBad handle count.
-902335544411wrotpbverWrong version of transaction parameter block.
-902335544412wroblrverUnsupported BLR version (expected @1, encountered @2).
-902335544413wrodpbverWrong version of database parameter block.
-902335544415badrelationDatabase corrupted.
-902335544416nodetachInternal error.
-902335544417notremoteInternal error.
-902335544422dbfileInternal error.
-902335544423orphanInternal error.
-902335544432lockmanerrLock manager error.
-902335544436sqlerrSQL error code = @1.
-902335544470buf_invalidCache buffer for page @1 invalid.
-902335544471indexnotdefinedThere is no index in table @1 with id @2.
-902335544472loginYour user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
-902335544506shutinprogDatabase @1 shutdown in progress.
-902335544528shutdownDatabase @1 shutdown.
-902335544557shutfailDatabase shutdown unsuccessful.
-902335544569dsql_errorDynamic SQL Error.
-902335544653psw_attachCannot attach to password database.
-902335544654psw_start_transCannot start transaction for password database.
-902335544717err_stack_limitStack size insufficent to execute current request.
-902335544721network_errorUnable to complete network request to host "@1".
-902335544722net_connect_errFailed to establish a connection.
-902335544723net_connect_listen_errError while listening for an incoming connection.
-902335544724net_event_connect_errFailed to establish a secondary connection for event processing.
-902335544725net_event_listen_errError while listening for an incoming event connection request.
-902335544726net_read_errError reading data from the connection.
-902335544727net_write_errError writing data to the connection.
-902335544732unsupported_network_driveAccess to databases on file servers is not supported.
-902335544733io_create_errError while trying to create file.
-902335544734io_open_errError while trying to open file.
-902335544735io_close_errError while trying to close file.
-902335544736io_read_errError while trying to read from file.
-902335544737io_write_errError while trying to write to file.
-902335544738io_delete_errError while trying to delete file.
-902335544739io_access_errError while trying to access file.
-902335544745login_same_as_role_nameYour login @1 is same as one of the SQL role name. Ask your database administrator to set up a valid Firebird login.
-902335544791file_in_useThe file @1 is currently in use by another process. Try again later.
-902335544795unexp_spb_formUnexpected item in service parameter block, expected @1.
-902335544809extern_func_dir_errorFunction @1 is in @2, which is not in a permitted directory for external functions.
-902335544819io_32bit_exceeded_errFile exceeded maximum size of 2GB. Add another database file or use a 64 bit I/O version of Firebird.
-902335544831conf_access_deniedAccess to @1 "@2" is denied by server administrator.
-902335544834cursor_not_openCursor is not open.
-902335544841cursor_already_openCursor is already open.
-902335544856att_shutdownConnection shutdown.
-902335544882long_loginLogin name too long (@1 characters, maximum allowed @2).
-904335544324bad_db_handleInvalid database handle (no active connection).
-904335544375unavailableUnavailable database.
-904335544381imp_excImplementation limit exceeded.
-904335544386nopoolidsToo many requests.
-904335544389bufexhBuffer exhausted.
-904335544391bufinuseBuffer in use.
-904335544393reqinuseRequest in use.
-904335544424no_lock_mgrNo lock manager available.
-904335544430virmemexhUnable to allocate memory from operating system.
-904335544451update_conflictUpdate conflicts with concurrent update.
-904335544453obj_in_useObject @1 is in use.
-904335544455shadow_accessedCannot attach active shadow file.
-904335544460shadow_missingA file in manual shadow @1 is unavailable.
-904335544661index_root_page_fullCannot add index, index root page is full.
-904335544676sort_mem_errSort error: not enough memory.
-904335544683req_depth_exceededRequest depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)
-904335544758sort_rec_size_errSort record size of @1 bytes is too big.
-904335544761too_many_handlesToo many open handles to database.
-904335544792service_att_errCannot attach to services manager.
-904335544799svc_name_missingThe service name was not specified.
-904335544813optimizer_between_errUnsupported field type specified in BETWEEN predicate.
-904335544827exec_sql_invalid_argInvalid argument in EXECUTE STATEMENT cannot convert to string.
-904335544828exec_sql_invalid_reqWrong request type in EXECUTE STATEMENT '@1'.
-904335544829exec_sql_invalid_varVariable type (position @1) in EXECUTE STATEMENT '@2' INTO does not match returned column type.
-904335544830exec_sql_max_call_exceededToo many recursion levels of EXECUTE STATEMENT.
-904335544832wrong_backup_stateCannot change difference file name while database is in backup mode.
-904335544852partner_idx_incompat_typePartner index segment no @1 has incompatible data type.
-904335544857blobtoobigMaximum BLOB size exceeded.
-904335544862record_lock_not_suppStream does not support record locking.
-904335544863partner_idx_not_foundCannot create foreign key constraint @1. Partner index does not exist or is inactive.
-904335544864tra_num_excTransactions count exceeded. Perform backup and restore to make database operable again.
-904335544865field_disappearedColumn has been unexpectedly deleted.
-904335544878concurrent_transactionConcurrent transaction number is @1.
-906335544744max_att_exceededMaximum user count exceeded. Contact your database administrator.
-909335544667drdb_completed_with_errsDrop database completed with errors.
-911335544459rec_in_limboRecord from transaction @1 is stuck in limbo.
-922335544323bad_db_formatFile @1 is not a valid database.
-923335544421connect_rejectConnection rejected by remote interface.
-923335544461cant_validateSecondary server attachments cannot validate databases.
-923335544464cant_start_loggingSecondary server attachments cannot start logging.
-924335544325bad_dpb_contentBad parameters on attach or create database.
-924335544441bad_detachDatabase detach completed with errors.
-924335544648conn_lostConnection lost to pipe server.
-926335544447no_rollbackNo rollback performed.
-999335544689ib_errorFirebird error.

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