execute ibeblock ExtractMetadata ( CodeDir varchar(1000) = 'E:\IBEBlocks\' comment 'Path to necessary IBEBlocks' ScriptFile varchar(1000) = 'E:\BlockScript.sql' comment 'Name of the script file') returns (TimeAll float) as begin Time1 = [[ibec_GetTickCount()]]; SPExtr = [[ibec_LoadFromFile]](CodeDir || '[[Extract-SPExtractIBEBlock | SPExtract.ibeblock]]'); DomExtract = ibec_LoadFromFile(CodeDir || '[[Extract-DomExtractIBEBlock | DomExtract.ibeblock]]'); GensExtract = ibec_LoadFromFile(CodeDir || '[[Extract-GensExtractIBEBlock | GensExtract.ibeblock]]'); FS = [[ibec_fs_OpenFile]](ScriptFile, __fmCreate); execute ibeblock DomExtract (FS); execute ibeblock GensExtract (1, FS); execute ibeblock SPExtr (CodeDir, 'CREATE', 3, TRUE, FS); execute ibeblock SPExtr (CodeDir, 'ALTER', 3, FALSE, FS); [[ibec_fs_CloseFile]](FS); Time2 = ibec_GetTickCount(); TimeAll = (Time2 - Time1) / 1000; suspend; end
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