IBEBlock database functions

The following database-handling functions are available in IBEBlock:

ibec_CreateDatabaseReplaces the CREATE DATABASE command within IBEBlocks.
ibec_OnlineDatabasebrings the database specified by the Database parameter online using the Firebird Services API.
ibec_ShutdownDatabasePerforms a shutdown of the database using the Firebird Services API.
ibec_DropDatabaseReplaces the DROP DATABASE command within IBEBlocks.
ibec_CreateConnectionCreates an active database connection.
ibec_RegisterFBCryptKeyRegisters a key to allow work with an encrypted Firebird database (Firebird 3).
ibec_UseConnectionUses an active database connection.
ibec_CloneConnectionClones an existing database connection.
ibec_CloseConnectionCloses an active database connection.
ibec_GetDefaultConnectionReturns the default connection.
ibec_RecompileTriggerRecompiles triggers.
ibec_RecompileProcedureRecompiles stored procedures.
ibec_CompareTablesCompares the data of specified tables and creates a script of all discrepancies.
ibec_CompareMetadataCompares the metadata of specified databases and creates a script of all discrepancies.
ibec_ExtractMetadataExtracts metadata (and data if specified) of a database into a script.
Specifying WHERE clauses
in ibec_ExtractMetadata
Allows specification of WHERE clauses for each data table.
ibec_BackupDatabaseStarts the backup process using the server Services Manager.
ibec_RestoreDatabaseStarts the restore process using the server Services Manager.
ibec_SetConnectionPropDisables the request of the number of affected rows after executing INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE statements.
ibec_GetConnectionPropReturns the server version of the active connection.
ibec_GetUserDBConnectionReturns the pointer to the User Database if it is used.

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