Creating an UPDATE script with domain descriptions
The following IBEBlock creates a script with UPDATE
statements for all database domains that have a description:
execute ibeblock as begin FHSQL = ibec_fs_OpenFile('D:\DomDescs.sql', __fmCreate); FHBlobs = ibec_fs_OpenFile('D:\DomDescs.lob', __fmCreate); if ((not FHSQL is null) and (not FHBlobs is null)) then begin ibec_fs_Writeln(FHSQL, 'SET BLOBFILE ''D:\DomDescs.lob'';'); ibec_fs_Writeln(FHSQL, ''); for select rdb$field_name, rdb$description from rdb$fields where (rdb$description is not null) order by 1 into :FieldName, :FieldDesc do begin if (FieldDesc <> '') then begin FieldName = ibec_Trim(FieldName); iOffs = ibec_fs_Position(FHBlobs); iLen = ibec_fs_WriteString(FHBlobs, FieldDesc); sParamName = ':h' || ibec_IntToHex(iOffs, 8) || '_' || ibec_IntToHex(iLen, 8); UpdStmt = 'UPDATE RDB$FIELDS' || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10) || 'SET RDB$DESCRIPTION = ' || :sParamName || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10) || 'WHERE (RDB$FIELD_NAME = ''' || FieldName || ''');'; ibec_fs_Writeln(FHSQL, UpdStmt); ibec_fs_Writeln(FHSQL, ''); end end ibec_fs_Writeln(FHSQL, 'COMMIT WORK;'); ibec_fs_CloseFile(FHSQL); ibec_fs_CloseFile(FHBlobs); end commit; end;
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