Copy table
execute ibeblock ( -- Don't change names of following parameters! ------------------------------------------------- SrcDBConnStr variant comment 'Source DB connection string', SrcDBUserName variant = 'SYSDBA' comment 'Source DB user name', SrcDBPassword variant = 'masterkey' comment 'Source DB password', SrcDBCharset variant = 'NONE' comment 'Source DB connection charset', SrcDBClientLib variant = 'gds32.dll' comment 'Source DB client library name', DestDBConnStr variant comment 'Destination DB connection string', DestDBUserName variant = 'SYSDBA' comment 'Destination DB user name', DestDBPassword variant = 'masterkey' comment 'Destination DB password', DestDBCharset variant = 'NONE' comment 'Destination DB connection charset', DestDBClientLib variant = 'gds32.dll' comment 'Destination DB client library name', SrcObjectName variant = '' comment 'Table name to be copied', DestObjectName variant = '' comment 'Destination table name, leave empty if no changes need', DebugMode boolean = TRUE, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CopyDomains boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy domains', CopyTriggers boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy table triggers', CopyPrimaryKey boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy primary key', -- CopyForeignKeys boolean = FALSE comment 'Copy foreign keys', CopyGenerators boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy generators used within table triggers', CopyData boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy table data', CopyIndices boolean = TRUE comment 'Copy table indices', DropTableIfExists boolean = FALSE comment 'Try to drop table if the one exists in the destination database') as begin Time1 = ibec_GetTickCount(); CRLF = ibec_CRLF(); BS = ibec_Chr(8); Success = BS + ' Successfull.'; Failed = BS + ' FAILED!'; if (DebugMode) then begin SrcDBConnStr = 'LOCALHOST/3060:D:\FB2_DATA\IBEHELP.FBA'; SrcDBCharset = 'WIN1251'; SrcDBClientLib = 'C:\Program Files\Firebird\bin\fbclient.dll'; --DestDBConnStr = 'AVX-MAIN:D:\FB2_DATA\FORMTEST.FDB'; DestDBConnStr = 'LOCALHOST/3060:D:\FB2_DATA\IBEHELP.FBA'; DestDBCharset = 'WIN1251'; DestDBClientLib = 'C:\Program Files\Firebird\bin\fbclient.dll'; SrcObjectName = 'HELP_ITEMS'; DestObjectName = 'HELP_ITEMS33'; DropTableIfExists = TRUE; end; SrcTableName = SrcObjectName; DestTableName = DestObjectName; SrcDBParams = 'DBName=' + SrcDBConnStr + ';' + 'User=' + SrcDBUserName + ';' + 'Password=' + SrcDBPassword + ';' + 'Names=' + SrcDBCharset + ';' + 'ClientLib=' + SrcDBClientLib; DestDBParams = 'DBName=' + DestDBConnStr + ';' + 'User=' + DestDBUserName + ';' + 'Password=' + DestDBPassword + ';' + 'Names=' + DestDBCharset + ';' + 'ClientLib=' + DestDBClientLib; try try ibec_Progress('Connecting to ' + SrcDBConnStr + '...'); SrcDB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctFirebird, SrcDBParams); ibec_Progress(Success); SrcDBSQLDialect = ibec_GetConnectionProp(SrcDB, 'DBSQLDialect'); except ibec_Progress(Failed); raise; Exit; end; try ibec_Progress('Connecting to ' + DestDBConnStr + '...'); DestDB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctFirebird, DestDBParams); ibec_Progress(Success); DestDBSQLDialect = ibec_GetConnectionProp(DestDB, 'DBSQLDialect'); except ibec_Progress(Failed); raise; Exit; end; ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); select rdb$relation_name, rdb$system_flag, rdb$external_file, rdb$description from rdb$relations where (rdb$relation_name = :SrcTableName) and (rdb$view_blr is null) into :SrcTableData; if (SrcTableData['RDB$RELATION_NAME'] is null) then exception cant_find_table 'There is no such table (' + :SrcTableName + ') in the source database.'; IsSys = SrcTableData['RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG'] = 1; if (IsSys) then exception cant_copy_system_table 'Cannot copy a system table.'; if ((DestTableName is null) or (DestTableName = '')) then DestTableName = SrcTableName; DestTableNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:DestTableName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:DestTableName)); SrcTableNameFmt = ibec_IIF(SrcDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:SrcTableName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:SrcTableName)); ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); if (exists(select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = :DestTableName)) then begin if (DropTableIfExists) then begin DropStmt = 'DROP TABLE ' + DestTableNameFmt; try ibec_Progress('Dropping table ' + DestTableNameFmt + '...'); execute statement :DropStmt; commit; ibec_Progress(Success); except ibec_Progress(Failed); rollback; raise; end; end else exception table_exists_already 'Table "' + DestTableName + '" exists in the destination database already.'; end ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); select rdb$field_name from rdb$relation_fields where (rdb$relation_name = 'RDB$FIELDS') and (rdb$field_name = 'RDB$FIELD_PRECISION') into :bPrecision; bPrecision = ibec_IIF(:bPrecision is NULL, FALSE, TRUE); SelStmt = 'select rf.rdb$field_name as fld_name,' + 'rf.rdb$field_source as fld_domain,' + 'rf.rdb$null_flag as fld_null_flag,' + 'rf.rdb$default_source as fld_default,' + 'rf.rdb$description as fld_description,' + 'f.rdb$field_type as dom_type,' + 'f.rdb$field_length as dom_length,' + 'f.rdb$field_sub_type as dom_subtype,' + 'f.rdb$field_scale as dom_scale,' + 'f.rdb$null_flag as dom_null_flag,' + 'f.rdb$character_length as dom_charlen,' + 'f.rdb$segment_length as dom_seglen,' + 'f.rdb$system_flag as dom_system_flag,' + 'f.rdb$computed_source as dom_computedby,' + 'f.rdb$default_source as dom_default,' + 'f.rdb$dimensions as dom_dims,' + 'f.rdb$description as dom_description,' + 'ch.rdb$character_set_name as dom_charset,' + 'ch.rdb$bytes_per_character as charset_bytes,' + 'dco.rdb$collation_name as dom_collation,' + 'fco.rdb$collation_name as fld_collation'; if (bPrecision) then SelStmt = SelStmt + ', f.rdb$field_precision as dom_precision'; SelStmt = SelStmt + CRLF + 'from rdb$relation_fields rf ' + CRLF + 'left join rdb$fields f on rf.rdb$field_source = f.rdb$field_name' + CRLF + 'left join rdb$character_sets ch on f.rdb$character_set_id = ch.rdb$character_set_id' + CRLF + 'left join rdb$collations dco on ((f.rdb$collation_id = dco.rdb$collation_id) and (f.rdb$character_set_id = dco.rdb$character_set_id))' + CRLF + 'left join rdb$collations fco on ((rf.rdb$collation_id = fco.rdb$collation_id) and (f.rdb$character_set_id = fco.rdb$character_set_id))' + CRLF + 'where rf.rdb$relation_name = ' + ibec_QuotedStr(:SrcTableName, '''') + CRLF + 'order by rf.rdb$field_position'; ibec_Progress('Collecting fields info...'); i = 0; iUserDomainCount = 0; for execute statement SelStmt into :FldData do begin s = ibec_Trim(FldData['FLD_DOMAIN']); aDomains[i] = ibec_IIF(ibec_Copy(s, 1, 4) = 'RDB$', null, s); if (aDomains[i] is not null) then iUserDomainCount = iUserDomainCount + 1; aFields[i] = ibec_Trim(FldData['FLD_NAME']); sType = ibec_IBTypeToStr(FldData['DOM_TYPE'], FldData['DOM_SUBTYPE'], FldData['DOM_LENGTH'], FldData['DOM_SCALE'], FldData['DOM_SEGLEN'], FldData['DOM_CHARLEN'], FldData['DOM_PRECISION'], DestDBSQLDialect); aTypes[i] = sType; aFieldsNotNull[i] = ibec_IIF(FldData['FLD_NULL_FLAG'] = 1, ' NOT NULL', ''); aFieldsDefault[i] = ibec_IIF(FldData['FLD_DEFAULT'] is null, '', ' ' + ibec_Trim(FldData['FLD_DEFAULT'])); aFieldsComment[i] = FldData['FLD_DESCRIPTION']; aFieldsCharset[i] = ibec_IIF(FldData['DOM_CHARSET'] is null, '', ibec_Trim(FldData['DOM_CHARSET'])); aFieldsCollate[i] = ibec_IIF(FldData['FLD_COLLATION'] is null, '', ibec_Trim(FldData['FLD_COLLATION'])); aDomainsComputedBy[i] = FldData['DOM_COMPUTEDBY']; i = i + 1; end ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); DomainsAreOK = TRUE; if (CopyDomains and (iUserDomainCount > 0)) then begin ibec_Progress('Creating domains...'); foreach (aDomains as Dom key DomIdx skip nulls) do begin if (exists(select rdb$field_name from rdb$fields where rdb$field_name = :Dom)) then Continue; CreateStmt = 'CREATE DOMAIN ' + ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:Dom, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:Dom)) + ' AS ' + sType; try execute statement :CreateStmt; commit; except DomainsAreOK = FALSE; rollback; end; end; end FieldsList = ''; CreateStmt = 'CREATE TABLE ' + DestTableNameFmt; foreach (aFields as FldName index FldKey skip nulls) do begin sType = ''; if (FieldsList <> '') then FieldsList .= ',' + CRLF; FldNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:FldName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:FldName)); if (DomainsAreOK and (aDomains[FldKey] is not null)) then FieldsList .= FldNameFmt + ' ' + aDomains[FldKey]; else FieldsList .= FldNameFmt + ' ' + aTypes[FldKey]; if ((aDomains[FldKey] is null) and (aFieldsCharset[FldKey] <> '')) then FieldsList .= ' CHARACTER SET ' + aFieldsCharset[FldKey]; FieldsList .= aFieldsDefault[FldKey] + aFieldsNotNull[FldKey]; if (aFieldsCollate[FldKey] <> '') then FieldsList .= ' COLLATE ' + aFieldsCollate[FldKey]; end CreateStmt .= ' (' + CRLF + FieldsList + ')'; ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); try ibec_Progress('Creating table ' + DestTableNameFmt + '...'); execute statement :CreateStmt; commit; ibec_Progress(Success); TblName = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, :DestTableName, ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:DestTableName)); foreach (aFieldsComment as FldComment key FldKey skip nulls) do begin FldName = aFields[FldKey]; update rdb$relation_fields set rdb$description = :FldComment where (rdb$relation_name = :TblName) and (rdb$field_name = :FldName); end; commit; except ibec_Progress(Failed); rollback; end; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- TRANSFER TABLE DATA -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- if (CopyData) then begin sFields = ''; sValues = ''; foreach (aFields as FldName key FldKey) do begin if (aDomainsComputedBy[FldKey] is null) then begin if (sFields <> '') then begin sFields .= ', '; sValues .= ', '; end; FldNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:FldName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:FldName)); sFields .= FldNameFmt; sValues .= ':' + FldNameFmt; end; end; SelectStmt = 'SELECT ' + sFields + ' FROM ' + SrcTableNameFmt; InsertStmt = 'INSERT INTO ' + DestTableNameFmt + ' (' + sFields + ') VALUES (' + sValues + ')'; ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); i = 0; ibec_Progress('Copying table data...'); for execute statement :SelectStmt into :Data do begin ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); execute statement :InsertStmt values :Data; i = i + 1; if (ibec_mod(i, 500) = 0) then begin commit; ibec_Progress(' ' + ibec_cast(i, __typeString) + ' records copied...'); end; end; ibec_Progress('Totally ' + ibec_cast(i, __typeString) + ' records copied.'); ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); commit; end; if (CopyTriggers or CopyPrimaryKey or CopyGenerators) then begin ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); TblName = ibec_IIF(SrcDBSQLDialect = 3, :SrcTableName, ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:SrcTableName)); i = 0; ibec_Progress('Collecting triggers info...'); for select T.RDB$TRIGGER_NAME, T.RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE, T.RDB$TRIGGER_SEQUENCE, T.RDB$TRIGGER_INACTIVE, T.RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE from RDB$TRIGGERS T left join RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS C on C.RDB$TRIGGER_NAME = T.RDB$TRIGGER_NAME where ((T.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG = 0) or (T.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG is null)) and (C.rdb$trigger_name is null) and (T.RDB$RELATION_NAME = :TblName) order by T.RDB$TRIGGER_NAME into :TrgData do begin aTriggerNames[i] = ibec_Trim(TrgData['RDB$TRIGGER_NAME']); aTriggerTypes[i] = ibec_IBTriggerTypeToStr(TrgData['RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE']); aTriggerPositions[i] = TrgData['RDB$TRIGGER_SEQUENCE']; aTriggerInactives[i] = ibec_IIF(TrgData['RDB$TRIGGER_INACTIVE'] = 1, 'INACTIVE', 'ACTIVE'); aTriggerSources[i] = TrgData['RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE']; i = i + 1; end; select rc.rdb$constraint_name, rc.rdb$index_name from rdb$relation_constraints rc where (rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY') and (rc.rdb$relation_name = :TblName) into :PKData; if (PKData is not null) then begin i = 0; PKIdxName = ibec_Trim(PKData[1]); for select rdb$field_name from rdb$index_segments where rdb$index_name = :PKIdxName order by rdb$field_position into :PKField do begin PKFields[i] = ibec_Trim(:PKField); i = i + 1; end end; ----------------------------------------------------- -- COLLECTING GENERATOR NAMES USED WITHIN TRIGGERS ----------------------------------------------------- i = 0; ibec_Progress('Searching trigger bodies for used generators...'); foreach (aTriggerNames as TrgName key TrgKey skip nulls) do begin TrgSrc = aTriggerSources[TrgKey]; TrgNameFmt = ibec_IIF(SrcDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:TrgName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:TrgName)); TrgDDL = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + TrgNameFmt + ' FOR ' + SrcTableNameFmt + CRLF + aTriggerTypes[TrgKey] + ' POSITION ' + ibec_Cast(aTriggerPositions[TrgKey], __typeString) + CRLF + TrgSrc; PSQLParser = ibec_psql_Parse(TrgDDL, SrcDBSqlDialect, __svUnknown); try if (ibec_psql_ErrorCount(PSQLParser) = 0) then begin iCount = ibec_psql_UsedObjects(PSQLParser, ObjNames, ObjTypes); if (iCount > 0) then begin foreach (ObjNames as ObjName key ObjKey skip nulls) do if (ObjTypes[ObjKey] = __dboGenerator) then if (ibec_IndexOfValue(Generators, ObjName) is null) then begin Generators[i] = ObjName; i = i + 1; end; end; end; finally ibec_psql_Free(PSQLParser); end; end; ------------------------------------------------------- -- CREATING GENERATORS AND SETTING THEIR VALUES ------------------------------------------------------- ibec_Progress('Creating and initting generators...'); foreach (Generators as GenName key GenKey skip nulls) do begin ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); if (exists(select rdb$generator_name from rdb$generators where rdb$generator_name = :GenName)) then Continue; ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); GenNameFmt = ibec_IIF(SrcDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:GenName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:GenName)); GetGenValueStmt = 'SELECT GEN_ID(' + GenNameFmt + ', 0) FROM RDB$DATABASE'; execute statement GetGenValueStmt into :GenValue; GenNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:GenName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:GenName)); CreateGenStmt = 'CREATE GENERATOR ' + GenNameFmt; SetGenStmt = 'SET GENERATOR ' + GenNameFmt + ' TO ' + ibec_Cast(:GenValue, __typeString); ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); try ibec_Progress(' ' + GenNameFmt + '...'); execute statement CreateGenStmt; commit; execute statement SetGenStmt; commit; ibec_Progress(Success); except ibec_Progress(Failed); rollback; end; end; end; if (CopyTriggers) then begin ibec_UseConnection(DestDb); ibec_Progress('Creating triggers...'); foreach (aTriggerNames as TrgName key TrgKey skip nulls) do begin if (SrcTableName <> DestTableName) then TrgName = ibec_preg_Replace('(?i)' + SrcTableName, DestTableName, TrgName); TrgNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(:TrgName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(:TrgName)); CreateTrgStmt = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + TrgNameFmt + ' FOR ' + DestTableNameFmt + CRLF + aTriggerInactives[TrgKey] + ' ' + aTriggerTypes[TrgKey] + ' POSITION ' + ibec_Cast(aTriggerPositions[TrgKey], __typeString) + CRLF + aTriggerSources[TrgKey]; WasError = FALSE; try ibec_Progress(' ' + TrgNameFmt + '...'); execute statement :CreateTrgStmt; commit; ibec_Progress(BS + ' Successfull.'); except ibec_Progress(BS + ' FAILED!'); WasError = TRUE; rollback; end; if (WasError) then begin ibec_Progress(' Attempt to create trigger ' + TrgNameFmt + ' with commented body...'); PSQLParser = ibec_psql_Parse(CreateTrgStmt, DestDBSqlDialect, __svUnknown); try CreateTrgStmt = ibec_psql_CommentBody(PSQLParser); finally ibec_psql_Free(PSQLParser); end; try execute statement :CreateTrgStmt; ibec_Progress(BS + ' Successfull.'); commit; except ibec_Progress(' Failed.'); rollback; end; end; end; end; if (CopyPrimaryKey) then begin ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); select rc.rdb$constraint_name, rc.rdb$index_name from rdb$relation_constraints rc where (rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY') and (rc.rdb$relation_name = :SrcTableName) into :PKData; if (PKData is not null) then begin PKIdxName = ibec_Trim(PKData[1]); sFields = ''; for select rdb$field_name from rdb$index_segments where rdb$index_name = :PKIdxName order by rdb$field_position into :PKFields do begin if (sFields <> '') then sFields .= ', '; FldName = ibec_Trim(PKFields[0]); FldNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(FldName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(FldName)); sFields .= FldNameFmt; end; PKName = ibec_Trim(PKData[0]); ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); PKNameBase = 'PK_' + DestTableName + '_'; PKNameSuff = 0; PKExists = 1; while (PKExists is not null) do begin PKNameSuff = PKNameSuff + 1; PKName = PKNameBase + ibec_Cast(PKNameSuff, __typeString); PKExists = null; select 1 from rdb$relation_constraints rc where (rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY') and (rc.rdb$constraint_name = :PKName) into :PKExists; end; PKNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(PKName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(PKName)); AlterStmt = 'ALTER TABLE ' + DestTableNameFmt + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + PKNameFmt + ' PRIMARY KEY (' + sFields + ')'; ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); try ibec_Progress('Creating primary key ' + PKNameFmt + '...'); execute statement :AlterStmt; commit; ibec_Progress(Success); except ibec_Progress(Failed); rollback; end; end; end; if (CopyIndices) then begin ibec_Progress('Creating indices...'); ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); for select i.rdb$index_name, i.rdb$unique_flag, i.rdb$index_inactive, i.rdb$index_type, i.rdb$expression_source, i.rdb$description from rdb$indices i left join rdb$relation_constraints rc on i.rdb$index_name = rc.rdb$index_name where ((i.rdb$system_flag = 0) or (i.rdb$system_flag is null)) and (rc.rdb$constraint_name is null) and i.rdb$relation_name = :SrcTableName into :IdxData do begin IdxName = ibec_Trim(IdxData[0]); IdxNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(IdxName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(IdxName)); IdxUnique = ibec_IIF((IdxData[1] is null) or (IdxData[1] = 0), '', 'UNIQUE '); IdxActive = ibec_IIF((IdxData[2] is null) or (IdxData[1] = 0), '', 'INACTIVE '); IdxType = ibec_IIF((IdxData[3] is null) or (IdxData[1] = 0), '', 'DESCENDING '); IdxExpression = IdxData[4]; IdxDescription = IdxData[5]; sFields = ''; for select rdb$field_name from rdb$index_segments where rdb$index_name = :IdxName order by rdb$field_position into :IdxFields do begin if (sFields <> '') then sFields .= ', '; FldName = ibec_Trim(IdxFields[0]); FldNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(FldName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(FldName)); sFields .= FldNameFmt; end; ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); IDXExists = null; select 1 from rdb$indices where rdb$index_name = :IdxName into :IDXExists; if (IDXExists is not null) then begin IDXNameBase = 'IDX_' + DestTableName + '_'; IDXNameSuff = 0; IDXExists = 1; while (IDXExists is not null) do begin IDXNameSuff = IDXNameSuff + 1; IdxName = IDXNameBase + ibec_Cast(IDXNameSuff, __typeString); IDXExists = null; select 1 from rdb$indices where rdb$index_name = :IdxName into :IDXExists; end; IdxNameFmt = ibec_IIF(DestDBSQLDialect = 3, ibec_QuotedStr(IdxName, '"'), ibec_AnsiUpperCase(IdxName)); end; CreateIndexStmt = 'CREATE ' + IdxUnique + IdxType + 'INDEX ' + IdxNameFmt + ' ON ' + DestTableNameFmt; if (IdxExpression is not null) then CreateIndexStmt .= ' COMPUTED BY (' + IdxExpression + ')'; else CreateIndexStmt .= ' (' + sFields + ')'; ibec_UseConnection(DestDB); try ibec_Progress(' ' + IdxNameFmt + '...'); execute statement :CreateIndexStmt; commit; if (IdxActive <> '') then begin ibec_Progress(BS + ' Making inactive...'); execute statement 'ALTER INDEX ' || IdxNameFmt || ' INACTIVE'; commit; end; ibec_Progress(Success); except ibec_Progress(Failed); rollback; end; ibec_UseConnection(SrcDB); end; end; finally if (SrcDB is not null) then begin ibec_Progress('Closing connection to ' + SrcDBConnStr + '...'); ibec_CloseConnection(SrcDB); end; if (DestDB is not null) then begin ibec_Progress('Closing connection to ' + DestDBConnStr + '...'); ibec_CloseConnection(DestDB); end; Time2 = ibec_GetTickCount(); sTime = ibec_div((Time2 - Time1), 1000) || '.' ||ibec_mod((Time2 - Time1), 1000); ibec_Progress('Finished.'); ibec_Progress('Total time spent: ' || sTime || ' seconds'); ibec_Progress('That''s all, folks!'); end; end
See also:
Extract Metadata
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