Comparison operators

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Comparison operators

Comparison operators for use in conditional clauses:

Conditional TestDescription
value = valueEqual to
value < valueLess than
value > valueGreater than
value <= valueLess than or equal to
value >= valueGreater than or equal to
value !< valueNot less than
value !> valueNot greater than
value <> valueNot equal to
value != valueNot equal to
value LIKE valueWildcard search, use '%' for 0 or more characters and '_' for one character only
value BETWEEN value AND valueWithin an inclusive range
value IN (value, ... value)One of the elements in a list
value IS NULLOne of the elements in a list
value IS NOT NULLOne of the elements in a list
value CONTAINING valueIncludes
value STARTING WITH valueBegins with

See also:
Conditional test
NULL in operations

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