Change all triggers
Have you ever tried to change all existing triggers, because they need to ignore the operation of a specific user?
This is extremely easy using the IBEBlock scripting language and Firebird 2.x as you can see in this example, which will simply add another line of code if (current_user<>'R$') then begin after the first begin and an additional end at the end of the sourcecode. This is used in our replication system to ignore operations initiated by the replication user R$.
execute ibeblock as begin DB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctInterBase, 'DBName="LOCALHOST/3050:C:\db\db.FDB"; ClientLib=C:\Program Files (x86)\HK-Software\IBExpert\IBEUDB\fbembed.dll; User=SYSDBA; Password=masterke; Names=NONE; SqlDialect=3;'); use db; for select rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_name,rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_source from rdb$triggers where rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_name not containing '$' and rdb$triggers.rdb$relation_name not containing '$' and rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_source not containing 'R$' into trgn,trgsrc do begin trgsrc=ibec_StringReplace(trgsrc,'begin','begin if current_user<>''R$'' then begin',__rfIgnoreCase); trgsrc=trgsrc||' end'; update rdb$triggers set rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_source =:trgsrc where rdb$triggers.rdb$trigger_name=:trgn; end commit; ibec_RecompileTrigger(db,''); end
Important: IBEBlock is a set of DDL-Data Definition Language, DML-Data Manipulation Language and other statements that are executed on the server and on the client side, and which include some specific constructions applicable only in IBExpert or the IBExpert command-line tool IBEScript (excluding the free versions of these products), independent of the database server version.
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