Firebird Developer Days

English language
The Firebird Developer Days is the training event for Delphi and Lazarus developers who want to benefit from the knowledge of the IBExpert database experts. You can expect interesting talks covering all aspects of Firebird, IBExpert, Lazarus and Delphi development. The focus is on the practical application of the technologies and methods presented, which can also be implemented with other programming languages.
Overview of topics
Client development
- Debugging a Delphi/Lazarus database application with the integrated debugger
- Create appropriate events for additional protocols without the Debugger
- Server-side monitoring of database applications
- Establishing a 24/7 monitoring protocol on the server
- Network monitoring of database communication at TCP/IP packet level
- Performance comparison of different components: TxxTable, TxxDataset, TxxQuery etc.
- Identify and assess automatically component-generated SQLs
- Identify SQLs on the server based on source code additions in the Delphi/Lazarus source code
- Automatically supplement own profiling methods in the Delphi/Lazarus source code
- Autocommit or manual commit?
- Use Prepare or not?
- SQLs with or without parameters? Advantages and disadvantages!
- Integrate block commands
Server development
- Basic knowledge regarding the Firebird server functionalities and architecture
- Detect inadequate transaction handling and assess impact
- Locate long-running transactions in network operation, identify the cause
- Techniques to end long-running transactions on the server side
- Analyze trigger sequences and log the process
- Measure and evaluate speed benefits of stored procedures
- Create and debug stored procedures and triggers using IBExpert
- Global database analysis: lack of primary keys, detection of duplicates, false and missing indices
- Use calculated fields for maximum performance and manage display using permissions
- Use data types and table definitions properly
- Correct use of execute statement on external
Administrative tasks
- Visualize a database model using IBExpert
- Export a database model for version control in SVN or similar
- Use IBExpert to set up versioning of stored procedures and triggers
- Automate metadata comparison between the development database and the production database
- Automate an automatic data synchronization between multiple databases using scripts
- Data backup using Backup tools during normal operation
- Optimize running time of the data backup
- Shadow as an alternative high-speed backup method
- Basic knowledge of replication as a real-time backup
- Measure hardware speed and compare using IBExpert Benchmark
- Tips and Tricks to optimize hardware and software for a Firebird Server
Firebird 3.0
- What does the new multiprocessing capability in Firebird 3.0 really achieve?
- Application possibilities of packages and internal functions
- What needs to be considered when migrating to Firebird 3.0?
- Benchmark comparison Firebird 2.5/Firebird 3.0
- Tips and tricks for everyday work
- Why write SQL commands yourself when these can be produced quickly and reliably using the IBExpert assistant
- Software models: Developer Studio, Company Year Edition and Day Edition
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