Newsletter D 02/2024

Remote Firebird 4/5 Update-Workshop

In erfolgreichen Workshops mit unseren Kunden haben wir die Lösung aller Konvertierungsprobleme soweit perfektioniert, dass wir auch Ihre Anforderungen schnell und flexibel via Online-Schulung umsetzen können.

Mit unserer Erfahrung können wir Sie als Anwender oder Entwickler dabei unterstützen, alle erforderlichen Schritte für ein erfolgreiches Upgrade Ihrer Firebird 2.x-basierten Anwendung umzusetzen, sodass diese auch mit Firebird 4/5 ausgeführt werden kann.

Wir wissen, wie Sie Ihre Datenbank konvertieren müssen, um eine leistungsstarke Firebird 4/5-Serverkonfiguration mit maximaler Kompatibilität mit Ihrer bestehenden Anwendung erstellen.

Bereiten Sie Ihre Datenbank auf die Kompatibilität mit Firebird 4/5 vor

Jedes serverbasierte Objekt, zum Beispiel Stored Procedures, Trigger, UDFs usw., wird automatisch überprüft und Sie erhalten nützliche Hinweise, wie Sie Ihre vorhandenen Firebird 2.x-Metadaten kompatibel für die spätere Konvertierung im Produktionssystem vorbereiten. 

Außerdem erhalten Sie eine Einführung in ein neues Firebird-Setup und erfahren, wie Sie eine sekundäre neuere Firebird-Serverversion auf Ihrem oder dem Datenbankserver Ihrer Kunden parallel installieren, während es sich noch in der Produktion mit der bestehenden Installation befindet.

Selbst die Einführung eines automatisierten Updates auf Hunderten oder Tausenden von Kundeninstallationen ist mithilfe unserer IBExpert OEM-Technologie ohne eine manuelle Installation möglich.

Wir wissen, was passieren kann und unser Setup bietet allen Ihren Kunden ein automatisiertes Upgrade. Wenn alles gut funktioniert hat, können sie mit der neuen Firebird-Datenbankserverinstanz arbeiten.

Sollte jedoch etwas Unerwartetes passieren, erhalten Sie ein detailliertes Protokoll, aber das bestehende Setup ist weiterhin verfügbar.

Somit können Sie entscheiden, ob ein manuelles Setup erforderlich ist oder der automatisierte Update-Prozess verbessert werden muss.

Testen Sie Ihre Anwendung auf Firebird 4/5-Kompatibilität

Der Basis-Workshop dauert ca. 2 Tage und beinhaltet eine Analyse des bestehenden Systems sowie ein Backup/Restore aller erforderlichen Daten auf dem neuen Firebird-Server.

Um Zeitverschwendung beim Warten auf das Backup/Restore zu vermeiden, bieten wir unsere Workshops in der Regel im 4x4-Stunden-Format an.

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie schnell wir Ihre Anwendung mit der neuen Firebird 4/5-Datenbank als Backend zum Laufen bringen.

Unser Setup nutzt mehrere verfügbare Kompatibilitätskonfigurationsparameter, sodass Sie weiterhin alle Vorteile der neuen Firebird-Versionen nutzen und insbesondere bei Mehrbenutzerinstallationen eine deutlich bessere Leistung, insbesondere unter hoher Last, erzielen werden.

Weiterer Support

Sobald die Konvertierung abgeschlossen ist, können wir auch individuelle Unterstützung bei der Erstellung eines IBExpert OEM-basierten Upgrade-Moduls anbieten, das Sie mit Ihrem nächsten Update an alle Ihre Kunden ausliefern können.

Sollten sich Ihre Kunden über die Geschwindigkeit Ihrer Software beschweren, können wir Ihr Team auch im Umgang mit dem IBExpert Benchmark schulen, die Ergebnisse analysieren und die oft sehr schlechten Ergebnisse mit Ihrem Kunden, der für die für den Firebird-Server gewählte Hardware verantwortlich ist, kommunizieren.

Und schließlich kann fast jede Software von einer gründlichen Überprüfung hinsichtlich eines schlechten Datenbankdesigns und fehlerhafter SQL-Anweisungen profitieren.

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie solche Probleme lokalisieren und helfen Ihnen, die Performance Ihrer Software zu verbessern.

Für ein Angebot kontaktieren Sie uns bitte mit dem Betreff „Remote Firebird 4/5 Update Workshop“ und beschreiben Sie uns kurz Ihre aktuellen Produkte und Ihr Team:

Newsletter D 10/2024

Unsere neuesten IFS Server liefern jetzt noch bessere Benchmarks

Dank unserer 10-jährigen Erfahrung im Aufbau dedizierter Firebird-Server können Sie sich auf unsere Erfahrung verlassen, um Server zu betreiben, die optimale Leistungen bieten.

Wir testen ständig die neuesten verfügbaren Hardwarekomponenten, um die bestmöglichen dedizierten Firebird-Server zu einem wettbewerbsfähigen Preis anzubieten.

Unser Hardware-Wartungsvertrag-Service garantiert eine optimale Performance.

Lesen Sie hier mehr über unsere Server:

Der Benchmarkwert rechts wurde mit Ubuntu Linux 22 und Firebird 5 ermittelt.

Ermitteln Sie den Benchmark Ihres aktuellen Servers mit unserem kostenlosen IBExpert Benchmark Tool.

Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein schriftliches Angebot:

New: IBExpert products, services & prices

currently under construction

Below you can find a summary of all IBExpert products and services which can be purchased online. All prices listed here apply only for online purchases.

Click on the corresponding icon, and you will automatically be forwarded to our trading partner, XXX. XXX is responsible as the seller for all data and content of the online shop.

If you have any further questions please mail us at

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

Software Services & Support

IBExpert Developer Studio Edition

IBExpert Developer Studio is the most comprehensive GUI tool for Firebird and InterBase® on the market today. It includes the following components: IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.exe, and IBExpertDemoDB. Read the full software product details here.

IBExpert Developer Studio Packages No. of
for the first
12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
for the next
12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
after expiry more
than 12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Developer Studio Single 1 280.00 132.00 206.00
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 2-4 2-4 250.00 each 115.00 each 182.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 5-9 5-9 210.00 each 99.00 each 154.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 10-24 10-24 160.00 each 75.00 each 118.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 25-49 25-49 140.00 each 65.00 each 100.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 50+ 50+ 125.00 each 60.00 each 90.00 each

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Developer Studio Day Edition

The IBExpert Day Edition is the ideal supplement to all IBExpert full versions, ready for use on all computers at any time. Read the full software product details here.

IBExpert Day Edition Packages Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
Day Edition 100 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 100 individual activations.
Day Edition 500 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 500 individual activations.
Day Edition 1000 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 1,000 individual activations.
Day Edition 5000 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 5,000 individual activations.

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Developer Studio Company Year Edition

Use the IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.dll, IBEScript.exe, and the BackupRestore Scheduler modules on multiple computers, also in virtual environments and/or in the cloud, without hardware-related unlock codes. Read the full software product details here.

In a virtual environment, which does not always run on the same hardware, the use of an IBExpert Company Year, Enterprise Server Year, Distribution OEM is necessary to avoid problems such as machine locks.

Description Months Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Company Year Edition S
The IBExpert Company Year Edition S may only be used by companies with up to 20 employees, of which a maximum of 2 may use IBExpert. For further information and purchase please contact
1. Total number of all employees: <= 20
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 2
3. IBExpert activations: 20
12 550.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition M
1. Total number of all employees: <= 100
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 5
3. IBExpert activations: 50
12 1,050.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition L
1. Total number of all employees: <= 500
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 10
3. IBExpert activations: 100
12 2,200.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition XL
1. Total number of all employees: <= 1,000
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: unlimited
3. IBExpert activations: 1000
12 5,250.00

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Enterprise Server Year Edition

In a virtual environment, which does not always run on the same hardware, the use of an IBExpert Company Year, Enterprise Server Year, Distribution OEM is necessary to avoid problems such as machine locks.

Work with IBExpert software in a virtual environment
The ESYE contains the following components: IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.dll, IBEScript.exe and the BackupRestore Scheduler. ... Read the full software product details here.

Description Months Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
1 * IBExpert activation for 1 Server, location-independent 12 649.00

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Server Tools

The IBExpert Server Tools include IBEScript exe and dll, hkSCC.exe, the IBExpert Backup/Restore Scheduler and the IBExpert Encryption Plugin for Firebird 3 on Win32/Win64. The IBExpert Server Tools can also be deployed on virtual machines or in a cloud infrastructure. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Online price (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Server Tools single edition for one activation 1 169.00
IBExpert Server Tools multiple activations   upon request

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Distribution OEM Edition

Our optimal solution for all businesses for flexible and independent working with IBExpert on all physical or virtual computers without activation codes and without an active internet connection. Read the full software product details here.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
OEM Distribution Edition: IBExpert.exe 12,650.00
OEM Distribution Edition: IBEScript.exe 12,650.00
OEM Distribution Edition: IBEScript.dll 12,650.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).
By ordering you agree to the OEM Distribution Edition terms and conditions.

Please mail if you wish to order this software product.

IBExpert Encryption OEM Edition

The IBExpert Encryption Plugin for Firebird enables you to securely encrypt your Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 databases (also embedded). ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 incl. 12 months subscription 4,200.00
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 (no subscription) 2,950.00
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 optional surcharge for the source code 5,950.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBER

Add real-time replication to any Firebird database without any downtime. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBER Starter Package including init and 12 months support 990.00
IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBERSub Subscription Package 12 months support 590.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).


The IBExpertFunctionLibrary is a comprehensive set of functions, suitable for all Firebird versions. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpertFunctionLibrary Enterprise Maintenance Subscription 990.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Benchmark Tool - Free special version

Compare your computer performance and test the speed of your Firebird Windows server with the free IBExpert Benchmark Tool. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Benchmark Tool: Download here free of charge

IBExpert Developer Studio Personal Edition

The IBExpert Personal Edition for private users includes the IBExpert IDE. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Personal Edition 1 workstation free of charge

IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition

The IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition is a full IBExpert Developer Studio version. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition incl. 12 month software subscription 1 workstation upon request

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

Furthermore, IBExpert is also available as a free IBExpert Developer Studio Educational Edition.

IBExpert services & support

We offer a wide range of training and support services for Firebird, InterBase®, Lazarus, Delphi®, FastReport® and of course, IBExpert. All support and training services are available worldwide; languages spoken: German and English. View the full details and conditions of these services here.

Description Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 60 minutes
Firebird, InterBase®, IBExpert, Delphi®, FastReport support hotline
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 120 minutes
Firebird, InterBase®, IBExpert, Delphi®, FastReport support hotline
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 240 minutes
Firebird, InterBase®, IBExpert, Delphi®, FastReport support hotline
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 480 minutes
Firebird, InterBase®, IBExpert, Delphi®, FastReport support hotline
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 960 minutes
Firebird, InterBase®, IBExpert, Delphi®, FastReport support hotline
Database analysis: evaluation fee 150.00
Database analysis express: evaluation fee 300.00
IBExpert Firebird SQL Performance Monitoring
... further information.

All prices quoted here apply only to online purchases. Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert and Firebird Training and Workshops

Our training sessions using online video transmission combine personal training with physical independence: promptly and flexibly and tailored to your requirements

Perhaps your team is also located at different sites?
All employees can take part in our training courses, even from their home office.
The number of participants does not affect the cost.

The coaching days can be scheduled at relatively short notice and you and your team will not be absent from productive work for too long during the course.
The course can take place in a much shorter period of time. We train in blocks of 2-4 hours at a time.

We tailor all topics individually to your company and the requirements of your team, taking into account the level of knowledge of the participants and also look at tackling current projects.
The training courses can thus be structured in blocks and/or key topics can be scheduled for different employees, and can of course also be adjusted during an ongoing training session.
Our workshops are complemented by video recordings, which we capture during the workshops and make them available to you in digital form.

Workshops are much more effective when you structure them interactively. We offer our courses as interactive workshops and not in a classic lecture format.

You can send your training enquiry to

We coordinate the agenda, the dates and the technical implementation together with yourselves.


Upgrading from Firebird 2.5 to 3.0/4.0
Setting up a permanent SQL monitoring on your own database
Applying the Trace API and results for optimization
Setting up and understanding basic master-slave replication
Working with multiple databases and transparent external blob storage

IBExpert is the ideal partner for training and workshops in your company

Years of experience allow you to gain access to tried and tested strategies and techniques for software development. The training sessions take place over a period of 1-5 days, depending upon the participants’ previous knowledge and the depth and range of the topics covered.

We provide expert workshops at your company, tailored to fit your needs. Send us your detailed list of requirements, and we will send you a written offer, recommending the number of days necessary to ensure your team can learn the necessary skills to fulfil your requirements.

Our standard courses:

IBExpert und Firebird Power Workshop
IBExpert Firebird 3 Bootcamp
Bootcamp database web applications using Firebird
Firebird Developer Days
Lazarus training for Delphi programmers

1st Jan 2025: IBExpert products, services & prices

Below you can find a summary of all IBExpert products and services.

Click on the corresponding  icon, you will automatically be forwarded to PayPro Global, responsible for the global sales of our software products.

If you have any questions please mail us at

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

Software Services & Support

IBExpert Developer Studio Edition

IBExpert Developer Studio is the most comprehensive GUI tool for Firebird and InterBase® on the market today. It includes the following components: IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.exe, and IBExpertDemoDB. Read the full software product details here.

IBExpert Developer Studio Packages No. of
for the first
12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
for the next
12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
after expiry more
than 12 months

Online price in Euros
(EUR) net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Developer Studio Single 1 289.00 137.00 215.00
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 2-4 2-4 259.00 each 119.00 each 189.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 5-9 5-9 219.00 each 102.00 each 159.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 10-24 10-24 169.00 each 78.00 each 122.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 25-49 25-49 149.00 each 67.00 each 103.00 each
IBExpert Developer Studio multiple 50+ 50+ 129.00 each 62.00 each 95.00 each

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Developer Studio Day Edition

The IBExpert Day Edition is the ideal supplement to all IBExpert full versions, ready for use on all computers at any time. Read the full software product details here.

IBExpert Day Edition Packages Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
Day Edition 25 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 25 individual activations.
Day Edition 100 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 100 individual activations.
Day Edition 250 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 250 individual activations.
Day Edition 500 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 500 individual activations.
Day Edition 1000 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 1,000 individual activations.
Day Edition 2500 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 2,500 individual activations.
Day Edition 5000 activations, valid 12 months
IBExpert IDE 5,000 individual activations.

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Developer Studio Company Year Edition

Use the IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.dll, IBEScript.exe, and the BackupRestore Scheduler modules on multiple computers, also in virtual environments and/or in the cloud, without hardware-related unlock codes. Read the full software product details here.

In a virtual environment, which does not always run on the same hardware, the use of an IBExpert Company Year, Enterprise Server Year, Distribution OEM is necessary to avoid problems such as machine locks.

Description Months Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Company Year Edition S
The IBExpert Company Year Edition S may only be used by companies with up to 20 employees, of which a maximum of 2 may use IBExpert. For further information and purchase please contact
1. Total number of all employees: <= 20
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 2
3. IBExpert activations: 20
12 569.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition M
1. Total number of all employees: <= 100
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 5
3. IBExpert activations: 50
12 1,095.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition L
1. Total number of all employees: <= 500
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: <= 10
3. IBExpert activations: 100
12 2,269.00
IBExpert Company Year Edition XL
1. Total number of all employees: <= 1,000
2. Number of all employees using IBExpert, such as Developers, Supporters, Administrators: unlimited
3. IBExpert activations: 1000
12 5,405.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Enterprise Server Year Edition

In a virtual environment, which does not always run on the same hardware, the use of an IBExpert Company Year, Enterprise Server Year, Distribution OEM is necessary to avoid problems such as machine locks.

Work with IBExpert software in a virtual environment
The ESYE contains the following components: IBExpert IDE, IBEScript.dll, IBEScript.exe and the BackupRestore Scheduler. ... Read the full software product details here.

Description Months Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
1 * IBExpert activation for 1 Server, location-independent 12 669.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Server Tools

The IBExpert Server Tools include IBEScript exe and dll, hkSCC.exe, the IBExpert Backup/Restore Scheduler and the IBExpert Encryption Plugin for Firebird 3 on Win32/Win64. The IBExpert Server Tools can also be deployed on virtual machines or in a cloud infrastructure. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Online price (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Server Tools single edition for one activation 1 175.00
IBExpert Server Tools multiple activations   upon request

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Distribution OEM Edition

Our optimal solution for all businesses for flexible and independent working with IBExpert on all physical or virtual computers without activation codes and without an active internet connection. Read the full software product details here.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
OEM Distribution Edition: IBExpert.exe 12,650.00
OEM Distribution Edition: IBEScript.exe 12,650.00
OEM Distribution Edition: IBEScript.dll 12,650.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).
By ordering you agree to the OEM Distribution Edition terms and conditions.

Please mail if you wish to order this software product.

IBExpert Encryption OEM Edition

The IBExpert Encryption Plugin for Firebird enables you to securely encrypt your Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 databases (also embedded). ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 incl. 12 months subscription 4,329.00
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 (no subscription) 3,039.00
IBExpert Encryption OEM for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 optional surcharge for the source code 6,129.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

Please mail if you wish to order this software product.

IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBER

Add real-time replication to any Firebird database without any downtime. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBER Starter Package including init and 12 months support 1,020.00
IBExpert Replicator Enterprise IBERSub Subscription Package 12 months support 610.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).


The IBExpertFunctionLibrary is a comprehensive set of functions, suitable for all Firebird versions. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpertFunctionLibrary Enterprise Maintenance Subscription 1,020.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert Benchmark Tool - Free special version

Compare your computer performance and test the speed of your Firebird Windows server with the free IBExpert Benchmark Tool. ... continue reading.

Description Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Benchmark Tool: Download here free of charge

IBExpert Developer Studio Personal Edition

The IBExpert Personal Edition for private users includes the IBExpert IDE. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Personal Edition 1 workstation free of charge

IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition

The IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition is a full IBExpert Developer Studio version. Read the full software product details here.

Description No. of users Online price in Euros (EUR)
net of sales tax/VAT
IBExpert Developer Studio Full Educational Edition incl. 12 month software subscription 1 workstation upon request

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

Furthermore, IBExpert is also available as a free IBExpert Developer Studio Educational Edition.

IBExpert services & support

We offer a wide range of training and support services for Firebird, InterBase®, Lazarus, Delphi®, FastReport® and of course, IBExpert. All support and training services are available worldwide; languages spoken: German and English. View the full details and conditions of these services here.

If you wish to order any of our support services, please mail and you will be sent our prepayment invoice.


IBExpert und Firebird hotline includes training and support services for Firebird, InterBase®, Lazarus, Delphi, FastReport and of course, IBExpert. Details

Fees in Euros (EUR):

IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 60 minutes         135.00
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 120 minutes       260.00
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 240 minutes       500.00
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 480 minutes       970.00
IBExpert Prepaid Hotline Account 960 minutes    1,880.00

Database Repair & Analysis

If you are confronted with a damaged or corrupt database we can often offer a rapid solution without even having to come out and analyze the corrupt database on site. Before we can provide you with our database repair estimate, we must first analyse your database. Details

Fees in Euros (EUR):

Database analysis: evaluation fee                            150.00
Database analysis express: evaluation fee               300.00


If you are experiencing poor performance with your Firebird application, we can help. We set up a live monitoring on your database server. After approximately 7 days you will receive a detailed written report. Details

Fees in Euros (EUR):

IBExpert Firebird SQL Performance Monitoring    1,200.00

Prices are quoted in Euros and net of any statutory VAT/sales tax and any costs for postage and packaging (where applicable).

IBExpert and Firebird Training and Workshops

Our training sessions using online video transmission combine personal training with physical independence: promptly and flexibly and tailored to your requirements

Perhaps your team is also located at different sites?
All employees can take part in our training courses, even from their home office.
The number of participants does not affect the cost.

The coaching days can be scheduled at relatively short notice and you and your team will not be absent from productive work for too long during the course.
The course can take place in a much shorter period of time. We train in blocks of 2-4 hours at a time.

We tailor all topics individually to your company and the requirements of your team, taking into account the level of knowledge of the participants and also look at tackling current projects.
The training courses can thus be structured in blocks and/or key topics can be scheduled for different employees, and can of course also be adjusted during an ongoing training session.
Our workshops are complemented by video recordings, which we capture during the workshops and make them available to you in digital form.

Workshops are much more effective when you structure them interactively. We offer our courses as interactive workshops and not in a classic lecture format.

You can send your training enquiry to

We coordinate the agenda, the dates and the technical implementation together with yourselves.


Upgrading from Firebird 2.5 to 3.0/4.0
Setting up a permanent SQL monitoring on your own database
Applying the Trace API and results for optimization
Setting up and understanding basic master-slave replication
Working with multiple databases and transparent external blob storage

IBExpert is the ideal partner for training and workshops in your company

Years of experience allow you to gain access to tried and tested strategies and techniques for software development. The training sessions take place over a period of 1-5 days, depending upon the participants’ previous knowledge and the depth and range of the topics covered.

We provide expert workshops at your company, tailored to fit your needs. Send us your detailed list of requirements, and we will send you a written offer, recommending the number of days necessary to ensure your team can learn the necessary skills to fulfil your requirements.

Our standard courses:

IBExpert und Firebird Power Workshop
IBExpert Firebird 3 Bootcamp
Bootcamp database web applications using Firebird
Firebird Developer Days
Lazarus training for Delphi programmers